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"Let this be a lesson to all of you, that His Majesty's authority is to be respected, and that His Majesty's servants are to be obeyed!"
―Major Rawle, addressing the crowd for Jonathan Ferguson's execution, 1775.[src]-[m]

Major Rawle (died 1775) was a British Army officer who was stationed in Boston during the American Revolution


In 1775, thanks to being tipped off by the informant Aidan Galway, Major Rawle was able to locate and capture two Sons of Liberty, Zadock Perry and Jonathan Ferguson, the latter of whom was taking coded dispatches to Concord. He also purchased a new safe to keep these letters in prior to the spy's hanging in Fort Independence.[1] Ahead of the execution, Rawle, known as a "nervous sort", had the British close off the area behind the fort and had the audience checked for weapons. These measures were for naught, however, as the Colonial Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton managed to infiltrate the fort and assassinate Rawle with his Hidden Blade while other allies saved Ferguson from the rope.[1]


