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In 2016, the Assassins conducted a number of raids on the Aerie at its main facility and its field site in order to recover the Trident of Eden.


While working for Abstergo Industries, the Templar researcher Sebastian Monroe discovered a sub-code hidden within the human genome dubbed the "collective unconscious" and learned about Ascendance Events, in which certain bloodlines converged at important moments in history where parts of the Trident of Eden were active. Sebastian became obsessed with these and eventually told his superior Isaiah, who likewise became fixated. After being forbidden to use an Animus on himself, Sebastian stole one and fled Abstergo.[1]

Once Sebastian tracked down a convergence of bloodlines relating to an Ascendance Event, he obtained a job as an IT technician at a local high-school and offered the use of his stolen Animus to several students, but primarily focused on Grace and David Collins, Sean Molloy, Natalya Aliyev, Javier Mondragón, and Owen Meyers. However, he was still being tracked by his former employers, who sent a strike team to raid his warehouse, capture him and the teenagers, and bring them to the Aerie to forcibly keep searching for the Trident on the company's behalf. While Grace, David, Sean, and Natalya were successfully captured by Abstergo agents, a team of Assassins rescued Javier and Owen amidst the confusion with Monroe slipping away on his own.[1]

First raid[]

With the Assassins having lost the first Prong of the Trident and upon realizing that Javier and Owen were genetic dead ends for the second Prong, the Assassin Griffin decided to raid the Aerie and free the other teenagers. Owen and Javier convinced him to bring them along in order to act as friendly faces for the other kids. By chance, their raid coincided with Sebastian's own infiltration of the facility. He had already reached the teenagers and convinced David and Natalya to leave with him, but was interrupted and pinned down in a garage by Owen and Javier, while Griffin had split off from the pair to divert Abstergo's forces. Owen and Sebastian stayed behind to provide covering fire, and Javier left the garage with David and Natalya in one of the high-tech vehicles kept within. Once the teenagers met up with Griffin, they escaped the facility and subsequent pursuit using the car's stealth capabilities.[1]

Raid in Mongolia[]

Shortly after, Rothenburg, a mole within Abstergo, informed Griffin of Isaiah's imminent expedition to Mongolia to recover the second Prong. After conferring with Gavin Banks regarding what to do with the teenagers, they all flew to China and rendezvoused with the Chinese Assassin Yanmei, and then flew on to Mongolia, where their plane was shot down though everyone managed to survive. At the same time, Sebastian, Grace, and Owen had smuggled themselves into Mongolia with the help of Cole, a Templar field agent who owed Sebastian a favor. David, thinking he was receiving a signal from his sister, was captured by the Templars, and infighting among the Assassins' group allowed a recently-arrived Isaiah to acquire the Prong. After promptly killing Yanmei, he left the field site and declared his defection from the Templar Order.[2]

The last prong[]

Following Isaiah's defection and departure, Dr. Bibeau arrived on the scene with her own contingent of Abstergo agents. However due to also being aware of Isaiah's declaration she was convinced by the teenagers to a temporary cessation of hostilities and met with Griffin to discuss the new threat.

Second raid[]

After obtaining the last Prong of Eden, Owen revealed that the Ascendance Event gave the teenagers a shield against the powers of the Trident. After carefully considering his options he realised Owen was speaking the truth, now knowing the teenagers were a threat he ordered Cole, who was under the influence of the Trident, to execute Owen Natalya and Grace. However Sean saved them by using a stolen high-tech Abstergo vehicile from Isaiah's camp and they barely escaped with their lifes.[3]

Back at the Aerie the teenagers including Dr Victoria and Sebastian prepared for the confrontation with the enemy! Isaiah wielding now the complete Trident of Eden staged a frontall assault, a portion of the Aerie was destroyed by a falling helicopter which worked in Isaiah's favor by sending the kids back into the garage. The Final confrontation followed and Isaiah was challenged by Sean who unbeknownst to him had recently finished the Ascendance trials inside the Animus alongside Javier and David. Isaiah accepted the challenge and fought the teenagers with the full power of the Trident, during this fight he offered them a second chance to join him in his New World but the kids refused, and with the "shield" they gained from their expierence inside the Animus they were able to overpower him with Javier striking the killing blow.[3]

In the aftermath the Trident was taken away by Monroe and the teenagers went their separate ways, with some returned home and others having other plans for their future.[3]


