R & R was a virtual representation of one of Ezio Auditore's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus 2.01.
Whilst exploring the city of Monteriggioni, Ezio Auditore came across a woman and helped her carry a heavy box of flowers to the Villa Auditore.
- Angelina: The men in this town are no better than little girls. An army should be helping me, and look... no one! Cazzo (Fuck)!
This box is heavy.
I always get stuck with this.
Ezio walked towards her.
- Ezio: Need some help?
- Angelina: Salve (Hello).
- Ezio: So many flowers. Your husband must be very lucky.
- Angelina: I am the lucky one. I have you here to aid me.
- Ezio: Let me see what I can do.
Ezio picked up the heavy box of flowers, and he and Angelina began walking together.
- Angelina: Back there, I may have given you the wrong impression.
- Ezio: Oh?
- Angelina: I have no husband. The flowers are for a party.
- Ezio: Am I invited?
- Angelina: To Claudia Auditore's birthday party in the Villa? If you are willing to help me again, I need someone with class to accompany me.
- Ezio: What makes you think I have class?
- Angelina: I could tell the moment I saw you. No one in this town walks with such bearing. I am certain Ezio Auditore himself would be impressed.
- Ezio: Oh? What do you know of Ezio?
- Angelina: Claudia thinks the world of him, but he rarely visits her. From what I gather, he's distant.
- Ezio: She's right. I have been.
- Angelina: Oh no. You? The party was intended to be a surprise. Promise you will not tell Claudia.
- Ezio: What will you do to keep me quiet?
- Angelina: I am sure I can think of several things.
- Ezio: I'll be waiting to hear them when we get there.
The pair arrived at the front of the Villa Auditore and Ezio left the box with a pile of others.
- Ezio: Now, about earning my silence.
- Angelina: I have something in mind. There is one condition.
- Ezio: Anything.
- Angelina: You must wait until tomorrow.
- Ezio: If it pleases you, I will not stand in your way.
- Angelina: It will be worth the wait, Ezio. Trust me.
Ezio helped to deliver the flowers for Claudia's birthday party while Angelina left, and Ezio was free to roam around Monteriggioni.
- R&R is a military term for "rest and relaxation", which is used to describe the free time of a soldier.