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Project BLUEBIRD was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project that researched interrogation methods. As the predecessor to Project ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD officially arose on 5 April, 1950 and was run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.[1]

The project[]

On the surface, the project was made to research mind control techniques to better interrogate suspects. However, it was also a front for the Assassin Boris Pash's nefarious deeds, since he successfully used Pieces of Eden to secretly brainwash the soldiers of his Bloodstone Unit to become perfect killers who were completely obedient to him alone. This super-soldier squad later proved to be instrumental in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.[2][3]



  1. Project BLUEBIRD CIA. Accessed 17 October 2019
  2. Assassin's Creed: BloodstoneBook 1
  3. Assassin's Creed: Bloodstone – Book 2
