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Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACO Potamos Hideout

Potamos Hideout

The Potamos Hideout was a bandit camp located in a small canyon in Sap-Meh Nome.


During the 1st century BCE, the bandits from the camp conducted various attacks on the farmers near Apollodorus' Estate in an attempt to steal their harvests. However, an individual named Meketre served as the farmers' protector, thwarting their efforts. As such in 48 BCE, the bandits captured Meketre, imprisoning him in a cage in the hideout and allowing them to conduct the raids. However, the attack also tooked place at the same time as a hippopotamus attack, resulting in several bandits and farmers being killed.[1]

Jarha, one of the farmers who survived the attack, directed the Medjay, Bayek, to the camp to eliminate the bandits. There, Bayek eliminated the bandits and discovered Meketre, freeing him from the cage.[1]


