Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Plain as Day was an altered representation of a fragmented genetic memory.


According to the Dottore, the Staff is somewhere around one of the statues in San Marco square. We must remain discreet and explore the surroundings in search of a hiding place that has stood the test of time... We've identified three access points that could lead to the Staff: An underground entrance, a hidden door, and a votive alcove near the canal.


[!] Flip 1 [special] card each time an Assassin enters a square containing 1 [special] token.


You realize there is something wrong. The Staff of Eden should have been here!

The air is buzzing and you notice a metallic taste on your tongue. The sky suddenly darkens and lightning tears through the clouds over the main-square.

A low rumble is heard and the ground trembles under your feet.

Is it an earthquake?

In the distance, a guard cries and the reinforcements retreat... The familiar silhouette of the Lion of Venice appears with a sound of crushed stones. Where the statue was a few minutes ago, now stands the Stone Lion that has just come to life!

Strange angular and fleeting shapes, like the reflections of an impossible light, surround him as he approaches your small group.


We can't wrap our head around what just happened... Something is wrong. The Staff of Eden should've been here! That statue certainly did not animate itself through divine intervention. These strange phenomena cannot be the Templars' doing... At least not the Templars of 1509. What if these statues were controlled by someone? Someone far from here. Or in another world?


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice memories
Core Campaign
Sequence 0
Prisoners - A Precious Pistol - Poor Little Templars - Forgotten Headquarters
Sequence 1
The Mask - Hidden Secrets - The Three Little Traitors
Sequence 2
The Little Devil - Endangered Genius - Clash of the Titans - Stealing from a Thief is not Theft
Sequence 3
Tanto va la Brocca alla Fontana - Backlash - Antidote - Plain as Day - Synchronicity
Sequence 4
Defense by the Book - Second Chance - Resistance - Iago - Back to the Future - Cronos
Additional Memories
She Spears, She Scores - Stand Clear of the Closing Doors - Gentle Benedetto - A Cumbersome Legacy
Sequence 1
All Roads Lead to Rome - Vacation - Just Visiting - Turn of Events
Sequence 2
Doctor Leonardo & Mister da Vinci - The Temple of Doom - In Memory of the Curtains - (The True) Backlash
Tokyo XXI
Sequence 1
Mission: Infiltration - Abstergo Mystery - Venice Trip - The Human Planet
Sequence 2
Close Protection - Extraction - The Cleaners - Old Scoundrel
Creed vs Crows
What Happens in the Tower Stays in the Tower - Brothers in Arms - Families Reunion - Chest Wars - The Borgias in Danger - Hate in the Time of War - Bring out Your Doctors! - Between a Rock and a Traitor