Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, a Greek hero and King of Ithaka in Homer's Odyssey.


While her husband went off to fight in the Trojan War, Penelope remained loyal to her husband by staying home and weaving her shroud until he returned.[1] Though haunted by suitors believing Odysseus had died in the war, she kept them at bay by promising she would make her choice when she finished her shroud.[2]


By the Peloponnesian War, Penelope was largely remembered in stories. A piece of the shroud she had woven had also survived and ended up in the hands of Elpenor, a member of the Eyes of Kosmos branch of the Cult of Kosmos. However, he claimed bandits had stolen it from him and taken it to their hideout within the ruins of Odysseus' Palace on the island of Ithaka.[3] After meeting the misthios Kassandra in 431 BCE, Elpenor tasked her to retrieve the shroud. Kassandra succeeded in this task, but upon returning to Elpenor, he gifted the shroud to her as thanks for proving to him that she was capable of completing contracts.[4]


