Outteridge Manufacturing was a factory located in London, Britain mid-nineteenth century.
Around the 1850s, Outteridge Manufacturing was on the brink of being demolished, but was saved at the last moment, when business at the facility was resumed. The business provided many job opportunities for families in the area for a while, before switching to cheaper labor, and only employing children.
By 1868, Outteridge only employed child laborers, to the dismay of Clara O'Dea, self-proclaimed advocate of the orphaned children in London. The Assassins Evie and Jacob Frye had promised to free the children of London from their oppression in exchange for Clara's help in freeing London from the Templars.
They found Outtridge Manufacturing guarded by Blighter thugs, but nonetheless managed to free the children inside the factory, and killed the overseer. In the ensuing chaos, the Rooks managed to overtake Outteridge, dealing with the remaining Blighters and taking control of the business.