Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
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This article contains content from pre-release sources that may or may not be reflective of canon upon release. This article therefore likely contains spoilers.

"We are the iron teeth of the Third Reich and do not respond to the rules of inferior men.” OR “Stop whining! You should consider yourself lucky that I looked down to talk to you."
―Oskar Fiedler, 1942.[src]

Oskar Fiedler (1917 – 1942) was a German officer who served during the World War II. In 1942, Oskar was stationed in German-occupied Paris where he served as a guard at the Folies Bergère, where a party was held by higher-ranked officer and Templar Wilhelm Schmidt. While on duty, Oskar was fascinated by a young dancer named Juliette Merion and sought to impress and seduce her.

However, he then caught sight of two trespassing women, French Resistance members Nancy Wake and Josephine Baker. Oskar confronted the two ladies, with Josephine trying to charm her through to no avail. As Oskar drew up his Luger pistol, Nancy drew her own and shot Oskar in the face, killing him.[1]



  1. Assassin's Creed Roleplaying Game – Animus Training Program Quickstart: Lugers and Ballerinas
