Ortega Sanchez (died 2016) was a member of the Templar Order active in Mexico during the 21st century.
Pursuing the Assassins[]
In 2016, upon learning that the drug kingpin Arturo Viera, a Templar associate, was looking for Charlotte de la Cruz's Assassin team after they had unknowingly injured his lover, Sanchez summoned Viera. They met in a restaurant in Mexico City and the Templar ordered Viera to stop searching for the Assassins because they were Templar matters.[1]
However, Viera disobeyed Sanchez and captured Kody Adams, using him to set a trap for Charlotte and Galina Voronina at the Estadio Azteca. The Templars learned about this plan and Sanchez arrived along with his men at the stadium shortly after the Assassins had killed most of Viera's cartel members during their attempt to rescue Kody. Arriving in a helicopter, the Templar strike team led by Whittaker killed the last surviving cartel members, Viera and his girlfriend, and surrounded the injured Assassins.[2]

Ortega accepts a deal made by Charlotte
Believing that the Templars would do anything to capture her alive, Charlotte threatened to kill herself if they didn't let her friends go but Sanchez refused, stating that bringing home the head of the infamous Galina would be enough. Charlotte then offered the location of an upcoming meeting between Erudito's leaders and this time Sanchez accepted, giving the Assassin one day to learn the meeting's location before leaving in the helicopter with his men.[2]
After obtaining the information through the Animus, Charlotte kept her word and met with Sanchez, intending to surrender herself to the Templars. However, unbeknownst to her, Galina had contacted Viera's cartel and made a pact with them; the head of the man responsible for their boss' death in exchange for Charlotte's safety. The cartel subsequently attacked Sanchez's convoy, blowing up their cars with a rocket launcher and rescuing Charlotte.[3]
Chase to Erudito and death[]
- "Funny thing about family, sometimes they help you out, sometimes they kill you. It appears as though in this case, the latter applies."
- ―Ortega confronting Charlotte after she was apparently abandoned by her allies, 2016.[src]

Ortega and his men gunned down by a chopper
However, Sanchez survived the attack and thanks to a tracker he had secretly placed on Charlotte, followed her to Argentina where the Assassins had made contact with Erudito. Sanchez, with Whittaker and his strike-team assaulted the island, where searched the Erudito laboratory, where they believed the Assassins had found important data on the Phoenix Project. Believing the Assassins and Erudito to be fleeing west to a series of caves, Ortega ordered Whittaker to lead the Epsilon Team on a boat to spring a trap there.[4]
Sometime afterwards, Ortega and two of his guards found Charlotte near the edge of a cliff, where she had defeated Whittaker. Just as he was about to eliminate the Assassin, Ortega and his guards were killed when an Assassin rescue team riddled them with bullets from a helicopter.[4]