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Assassin's Creed Wiki
"The tree of Herakles... I'm not sure if it's loved more for its legend or its olives."

The Olive Tree of Herakles

The Olive Tree of Herakles was a massive olive tree that was located north of the Sanctuary of Asklepios in Argolis, Greece during the 5th century BCE. According to Greek mythology, it was the tree whence Herakles' wild olive-tree club came from.[1]

During the Peloponnesian War, the Spartan misthios Kassandra visited the Sanctuary in search of her mother. One of the priests, the scribe Timoxenos, agreed to meet her, but for fear of prying eyes and ears, he told her to meet him at the Olive Tree of Herakles. However, they were ambushed there by another priest, Pleistos, and guards of the Cult of Kosmos.[2]


