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Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACO Necropolis of the Nobles

Necropolis of the Nobles

The Necropolis of the Nobles was a burial site in the Theban Necropolis reserved for Egyptian nobles.


Some years prior to 38 BCE, the God's Wife of Amun Nitokris was buried in the tomb following her murder by a group of tomb robbers. During the ritual prior to the burial, the priests of Amun gave her daughter Isidora the Apple Eden, which had previously been in Nitokris' possession. Some time following the incident, the smuggler Merti, guilty for profiting from the tomb robbing, visited the tomb to pay her respects to Nitokris.[1]

In 38 BCE, the antiquarian Tahemet was forced by the strategos Athames to work for him at the necropolis, aiding the soldiers in desecrating the tombs for riches. For this act, she was confronted by Isidora, who warned that there would be retribution. Later on, Tahemet directed the Hidden One Bayek of Siwa to the necropolis, suggesting that he might find clues therein to the relic he sought.[2]



  1. Assassin's Creed: OriginsThe Curse of the PharaohsA Motherless Child
  2. Assassin's Creed: OriginsThe Curse of the PharaohsBlood in the Water