Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACO Statuette of Mut

A small statuette depicting Mut

Mut was an ancient Egyptian mother-goddess, worshiped widely and regarded as the progenitor of everything, associated with life-giving waters. She was a consort of Amun and the mother of Khonsu; together, they were known as the Theban Triad.

She is often depicted as a woman dressed in bright red or blue, wearing the double-crown. Her aspects changed over time, and thus she could be depicted at times as a cat, a cow, a cobra, a lioness or a vulture.[1]

In 34 BCE, the Hidden One Bayek helped a priest to recover a few statuettes, including a statuette of Mut, and return them to the Temple of Karnak.[2]


