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This article is about mountain in southern Argolis. You may be looking for similarly named mountain in northern Argolis.

A view of the mountain

Mount Koryphum, also spelled Mount Coryphaeon, is a mountain and a region of Argolis, Greece.

During the 7th century BCE, the mountain served as the home to the city of Asine. However, the city was demolished by Argives after the city supported Spartans in a conflict between the two poleis. By 5th century BCE, ruins of the city still remained, though they had become an abode of bandits when the misthios Kassandra visited them during the Peloponnesian War.[1]

Within the ruins, Kassandra sought to obtain and capture a white bull for an offering at the request of a priest from the nearby Sanctuary of Asklepios. However, she found it slain and was forced to settle for the bull's heart as an alternative.[2]


