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"The Mother of Wisdom gives us strength."
―An Order of the Ancient's vow.[src]-[m]

The Mother of Wisdom was a title used during the Isu Era and also one of the three divine beings who was revered by the Order of the Ancients during the Ancient World.


Isu Era[]

Originally part of a triad of titles, alongside Father of Understanding and Sacred Voice. It has been acknowledged that Saklas[1] and Juno[2] held this title, which had to be bestowed upon them by an unidentified High Council.

During Saklas's reign as the Mother of Wisdom, she was one of three who supervised Project Anthropos alongside the Father of Understanding Yaldabaoth and the Sacred Voice Samael. Whereas Saklas managed the design schematics, Yaldabaoth managed production and Samael was in charge of recruiting top Isu scientists and philosophers.[1]

During Juno's reign as the Mother of Wisdom, she ruled and served alongside the Father of Understanding Jupiter and the Sacred Voice Minerva[3] in the group called the Capitoline Triad. With the Great Catastrophe imminently approaching, she entered into an alliance with the Æsir Odin,[4] who also sought a way to survive the apocalypse,[5] and allowed him to steal a sample of the consciousness-preserving mead from the Well of Mímir for his own use.[6] For this betrayal, the High Council stripped her of her title.[7]

Ancient World[]

Long after the Isu were deceased, the Order of the Ancients took this title alongside its two other titles, and began revering them as holy beings to worshipped, though Grand Maegester King Alfred the Great from the Anglo-Saxon branch denounced and abolished the trinitarian practice as "pagan blasphemies".[8] By the time of the Templar Order, only reverence for the Father of Understanding remained.

Known Mothers of Wisdom[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Assassin's Creed: ValhallaLayla Hassan's personal files – "SecureShare: PRE_trslt_Canterbury.odt <v. 1 by ahenry>"
  2. Assassin's Creed: SyndicateThe Master Spy
  3. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Price of Wisdom
  4. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaMistress of the Iron Wood
  5. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaView Above All
  6. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaA Feast to Remember
  7. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaAnimus Anomalies – Memory fragments: Briudun Hill
  8. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Poor Fellow-Soldier
