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"A man will lie to save his skin. When you are gone, he'll gut me and burn my people. The gods showed me this."
―Modron to Eivor after her defeat, c. 876[src]-[m]

Modron was the high priestess of Glowecestrescire and mother of Gwenydd. She was a healer with a gift for prophecy, who worshipped the pagan gods of old.[1] She is also the leader of a druidic cult known as the Daughters of Nimue.[2]


Relationship with Cynon[]

Not much is known about Modron, except that she was part of Glowecestrescire for at least for twenty years, as long as Cynon's residency of the shire's ealdorman. Unknown to most, when Cynon became the ealdorman of the shire, Modron was the woman of his affection, despite the difference in their religions. With their roles as ealdorman and high priestess, Modron and Cynon often worked together within Glowecestre. With time, both Modron and Cynon became close with one another and understood each other. Within a matter of time, Modron asked Cynon to be part of a fertility ritual, which Cynon gladly accepted. From the ritual and their work together, Modron and Cynon had a girl, Gwenydd, and a union between pagans and Christians. From the last Wicker Man burning as well, Modron and Cynon took care of the previous ealdorman's daughter, Brigid, who became a big sister figure to Gwenydd.[2][3][4]

Around the time of Samhain festival, Modron and Cynon both knew that Tewdwr's role as the next leader would prove to be the end of their work and threaten the safety of their daughter. Thus, Modron engineered a plan to take out Tewdwr and become the leader herself of the shire.[3]

ACV Modron, Brigid Gunnar Aid

Modron offers her help to Gunnar and his gashed leg

In 876, during the trick-or-treating event, Modron was recollecting a tale to children as it was noticed by the visitor, the Viking Eivor Varinsdottir. However, festivities took a turn once Gunnar became injured and Modron appeared with Gwenydd and promised to aid Gunnar's injured leg. The festivities continued as well as Modron's plan for Tewdwr and Eivor.[5] The next day, Modron was sought for her aid by Eivor, who was accused to Given Gwilim's pouch for her inspection, Modron stated that the contents were used to induce sleep, but lies of knowing nothing of who held it. However, Gwenydd added that a druid named Halewyn may be able to help, which Modron agreed as well. Modron advised Eivor to go and meet her later at Rollendritch.[6]

Defeat by Eivor[]

ACV Eivor Modron, Tewdwr Reconvene

Eivor brings an injured Tewdwr to Modron

Meeting with Eivor and discussing her information from Halewyn, Modron told Eivor that the location was the Welsh translation for the Thieves' Warren. Modron led Eivor to the path to the bandit stronghold but elaborated that she would be waiting outside the camp. After a moment, Modron saw Eivor carry an injured Tewdwr to her. Modron tended and sought after his wounds. Modron was told that Gwilim indicated that Cynon was behind the attack and framing. Modron recalled to Eivor that Tewdwr and Cynon were similar once as God-fearing Christians. However, Modron saw that Cynon came around to the pagans' presence in Glowecestre, due to their interactions. However, Modron lied to Eivor and stated Cynon wanted to keep his hold as ealdorman. Modron was left with Tewdwr as Eivor left to confront Cynon.[2]

ACV The Gutted Lamb 8

Eivor defeats Modron in single combat

However, Modron took the injured Tewdwr to her hideout in Aelfwood and intended to sacrifice him quickly. Within Ochre Caves, Modron chanted her ritual rites and prepared the final task of killing an unconscious Tewdwr. Before Modron could strike down Tewdwr, she was stopped by Eivor. After a brief argument, Modron challenged Eivor to a duel within her lair.[7] Despite her accustomed surroundings, Modron lost and was beaten by Eivor. Modron was told that Tewdwr had renounced his initial remarks of pagans, but Modron was not convinced. Although it may be possible, Modron still stood by her actions, including besmirching Eivor's honor. Modron's fate was then decided by Eivor, who later saved Tewdwr.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

  • Modron is a character appearing in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, where she is portrayed by Victoria Sanchez.
  • Modron is possibly an allusion to the Welsh folkloric figure of the same name, her name translating to "mother".
  • Modron can either be spared or killed by Eivor during "The Gutted Lamb."




  1. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaDatabase: Modron
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Stolen King
  3. 3.0 3.1 Assassin's Creed: ValhallaA Love Betrayed
  4. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Burning of the Wicker Man
  5. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe First Night of Samhain
  6. Assassin's Creed: ValhallaClues and Riddles
  7. 7.0 7.1 Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Gutted Lamb
