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Mnemonics sets were a game mechanic in the Facebook game Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy. Each set consisted of four components, which, when combined, could be used to gain certain boosts for a limited time. They were obtained in a similar manner to chance items when executing memories, and were found under "Equipment" in the Data Dump Scanner.

Mnemonic sets provided useful bonuses in various aspects, such as in obtaining florins, Action Points (AP) or experience (XP), in the drop rate of items and mnemonics, as well as in crafting and in player-versus-player conflicts. It was possible to combine the same Mnemonic set once every 20 hours, and each effect lasted for the same amount of time. Certain sets from different chapters also possessed the same effect, and several effects could be activated simultaneously.[1]

Italian Wars[]

Chapter 1[]


  • Effect: 25% additional florin gain for 20 hours.
  • Description: "All knowledge comes at a price."
  • Components: Ducat, Florin, Teston, Denarius.
  • Found in: Turning the Tide.
  • Remarks: The Ruse (Costs 3AP; Chance = N/A) or Skirmish (Costs 3AP; Chance = N/A).

Italian States[]

  • Effect: 10% negative AP cost on memories for 20 hours.
  • Description: "Italy's city-states were embroiled in conflict."
  • Components: Venice, Naples, Florence, Rome.
  • Found in: Death Defiant.
  • Remarks: Rally Point (Costs 1AP; Chance = Soldier).

Este Family[]


Chapter 2[]

Titian Paintings[]


Visconti-Sforza Tarot[]

  • Effect: Regenerate all APs.
  • Description: "We predict the future with an incomplete deck."
  • Components: Il Diavolo, La Toree, Tre Di Spade, Fante Di Denari.
  • Found in: On the Hunt.
  • Remarks: Siren's Lure (Costs 5AP, 1 Simple Gift; Chance = Courtesan) or Barfly (Costs 4AP, 1 Round of Drinks; Chance = Thug, Thief, Street Crier).


  • Effect: Regenerate all APs.
  • Description: "Mankind has always sensed places of power."
  • Components: Pyramids, Aztec Pyramid, All-Seeing Eye, Mountain Top.
  • Found in: Playing Dead.
  • Remarks: High AP Cost, Side Effects (Pyramids, All-Seeing Eye, Mountain Top), The Voice of Reason (all 4 Mnemonics).

Medici Family[]


Chapter 3[]


  • Effect: Regenerate all APs.
  • Description: "Greatness is often rewarded with treachery."
  • Components: Poison Seal, Serpent Seal, Dagger Seal, Bow Seal.
  • Found in: Under Our Noses.
  • Remarks: High AP cost, not recommended.



Sforza Family[]

Sforza Family


Leonardo glyph
  • Effect: 40% negative Crafting delay for 20 hours.
  • Description: "Leonardo was the definition of a Renaissance man."
  • Components: Armored Car, Flying Machine, Helicopter, Machine Gun.
  • Found in: Defensive Measures.
  • Remarks: Running the Ramparts (Costs 5AP; Chance = N/A).


  • Effect: 50% additional Perfect Craft chance for 20 hours.
  • Description: "The Renaissance birthed great tinkers and thinkers."
  • Components: Leon Battista Alberti, Niccolò Tartaglia, Leonardo da Vinci, Gerolamo Cardano.
  • Found in: People Skills.
  • Remarks: Rebirth (Costs 4AP, 1 Chalk, 1 Verdigris, 1 Sandarach; Chance = Artist), Arm Race (Costs 7AP, 1 Hide, 1 Charcoal, 3 Iron; Chance = Leather Armor, Chainmail Armor, Shield, Plate Armor), Men of War (Costs 8AP; Chance = Monteriggioni Mercenary) or Problem Solvers (Costs 12AP; Chance = Assassin, Elite Assassin).





Chapter 4[]

Knights Templar[]

Knights templars


  • Effect: Allows a redistribution of Skills.
  • Description: "Humanity has always required faith to thrive."
  • Components: Ares, Apollo, Zeus, Athena.
  • Found in: Life and Death.
  • Remarks: Bloodhound (All 4 Mnemonics), Mercy (All 4 Mnemonics).



Orsini Family[]

Orsini Family

Borgia Family[]

Borgia AC-B(PL)
  • Effect: Regenerate all APs.
  • Description: "A morally bereft dynasty with strong church ties."
  • Components: Cesare Borgia, Juan Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia, Rodrigo Borgia.
  • Found in: All Roads Lead To Rome.
  • Remarks: The "Scrambled Letters" memory is useful in obtaining the set.

De Templo Cristi[]

De Templo Cristi
  • Effect: 25% additional item resell value for 20 hours.
  • Description: "Symbols for a better human existence."
  • Components: Sigillum Militum, Sigillum Militum Templi, S'Command Barbera, Secretum Templi.
  • Found in: Desperate Measures and Psychosomatic.

Promotional items[]

Auditore Trail[]

  • Effects: Regenerate all AP.
  • Description: "Shadow dynasty that wrote history."
  • Components: Florence, Forlì, Venice, Rome.
  • Found in: Turning The Tide, Bloodwork, People Skills and The Lady's Favor.

Completing this set rewarded exclusive content on Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, being the Venetian Cape and the Medici Cape. This was also the only Mnemonic set that was distributed over different portions of Project Legacy.


Chapter 1[]

Talking Statues[]

Talking Statues


Gods PL
  • Effect: Allows a redistribution of Skills.
  • Description: "Only the names change."
  • Components: Apollo, Jupiter, Mars, Minerva.
  • Found in: Not while the Kid is Watching and Bombastic.


Martyrs PL


Games PL


Obelisk PL


Defeated PL
  • Effects: Increase to Skirmish success rate for 20 hours.
  • Description: "How the mighty fell."
  • Components: Cassivellaunus, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Vercingetorix.
  • Found in: Underground Army.
  • Remarks: The "Hired Muscle" memory is useful in obtaining the set.

Sacking Rome[]

Sacking Rome PL
  • Effects: 25% additional florin gain from Skirmishes for 20 hours.
  • Description: "They have always wanted what was hers."
  • Components: Alaric, Brennos, Charles V, Robert Guiscard.
  • Found in: Black Market.

Chapter 2[]


Rulers PL


Popes PL


Constellations PL
  • Effects: Increased defensive odds for Skirmished for 20 hours.
  • Description: Fate written across the sky.
  • Components: Capricornus, Leo, Scorpius, Taurus.
  • Found in: Finding Clarity.

Chapter 3[]

Ptolemaic Dynasty[]

Ptolemaic Dynasty PL


Helms PL

Papal Bulls[]

Papal Bulls PL

Amanita phalloides[]

Amanita Phalloides PL


Writers PL


Artists PL
  • Effects: 50% additional Perfect Craft chance for 20 hours.
  • Description: "Held a different vision of the world."
  • Components: Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael.
  • Found in: Finely Tuned.

Chapter 4[]

Aztec Masks[]

Aztec Masks PL
  • Effects: Regenerate all APs.
  • Description: "The faces that drove the nation."
  • Components: Quetzalcoatl, Teotihuac, Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc.
  • Found in: Farsighted.
  • Remarks: The "Sun God" memory is useful in obtaining the set.

Human Sacrifice[]

Human Sacrifice PL
  • Effects: Easier Skirmish opponents for 20 hours.
  • Description: "The ultimate offering."
  • Components: Beheading, Cannibalism, Organ Removal, Mutilation.
  • Found in: Temple Massacre.

Hernán Cortés[]

Hernan Cortes PL
  • Effects: 25% additional XP gained from Skirmishes for 20 hours.
  • Description: "Pride of Spain, conqueror of Mexico."
  • Components: Carrack, Steed, Cannon, Blade.
  • Found in: The Night Of Sorrow.


Glyphs PL


Charles II of England[]

Charles II of England PL

Campaign Medals[]

Campaign Medals PL

Shroud of Turin[]

Shroud of Turin PL

Mars Anomalies[]

Mars Anomalies PL
  • Effects: 25% additional XP gain from memories for 20 hours.
  • Description: "Looking for a needle in a haystack."
  • Components: Sol 016, Sol 932, Sol 482, Sol 513.
  • Found in: Renegotiated.


