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Mint is a fragrant herb which has been used medicinally since antiquity.

According to the Greek myth, the herb was brought about as the nymph Minthe had an affair with Hades, the lord of the underworld. When his wife, Persephone, learned about the affair, she changed the nymph into the plant.[1]

During the Peloponnesian War, the Spartan misthios Kassandra was asked by Lanike's helot slave Teuta to bring her some mint for her upset belly.[1]

Millennia later in 2020, the Assassin Rebecca Crane asked her husband Shaun Hastings to pick up some mint tea for her during his suppy run near Concord, New York while they supervised Layla as she relived the memories of the Raven Clan Viking Eivor Varinsdottir. Shaun bought some, but protested that the flavor was artificially infused instead of properly steeped with leaves.[2]


