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Assassin's Creed Wiki
"Sometimes love is a prison. His father taught me that. This, the orphanage, this is my true calling."
―Madame Margot to Arno, 1794.[src]-[m]

Madame Margot was a resident of Saint-Denis, France during the late 18th century. She ran a local orphanage, taking care of abandoned children like Léon.


Much of Margot's life prior to her arrival in Saint-Denis remains shrouded in mystery.[1] She, at some point, became involved with a man, with whom she had a son. However, Margot felt trapped in the relationship, leading her to leave them behind and move to Saint-Denis.[2]

For several years, she kept to herself, living alone in a large and eccentric red house in the center of town. Then, one day, Margot began taking in abandoned children, turning her home into an informal orphanage.[1] One of the infants she took under her wing was Léon, who would grow up to be a known troublemaker and thief that regularly escaped, though he would always return.[3]

On 4 August 1794, Margot met Arno Dorian, an ex-Assassin who was looking for Léon. She pointed him in the direction of the town's windmill and asked him to bring the young boy back home.[3] When Léon returned later that day, she went to thank Arno, but found him experiencing a personal crisis. Margot subsequently shared some of her own history with him and, sensing Arno's renewed resolve, then let him know where to find Léon.[2]

The next day, Arno and Léon gathered at Margot's orphanage, having collected three paten plates in an attempt to locate an artifact buried beneath Saint-Denis. However, they were unable to figure out how to use them until Margot entered the room with a candle, her light source causing the patens to glow. Using the candle, they discovered a map of the caverns beneath the town, following which Arno headed off to recover the artifact.[4]

Personality and traits[]

Margot was a kind-hearted altruistic individual that readily cared for children abandoned by their guardians. When necessary, she would be stern with them,[1] like when she admonished Léon for swearing.[4] However, there was also a wistful quality to her; she seemed to regret leaving her son to some extent[2] and would reportedly stare out of the windows during a storm, as if waiting for someone to walk in out of the rain.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Margot is a fictional character who appears in the 2014 video game Assassin's Creed: Unity's downloadable expansion Dead Kings, where she is voiced by the Canadian actor Lisa Ryder.




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Assassin's Creed: UnityDead KingsDatabase: Vieille Madame Margot
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Assassin's Creed: Unity – Dead KingsA Shadow from the Past
  3. 3.0 3.1 Assassin's Creed: Unity – Dead KingsThe Book Thief
  4. 4.0 4.1 Assassin's Creed: Unity – Dead KingsRaising the Dead
