Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
"This regions is called Libue after the tribes that used to live around it. It borders Libya."
ACO Libue Map

Map of Libue

Libue was a mountainous region of Libya, located north of the region of Siwa–in Egypt–and south of the Green Mountains region of Cyrenaica. It was named after the Libu, an ancient Libyan tribe of Berbers who used to live in and around the region. It also served as a buffer between the borders of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Cyrenaica, which was under the jurisdiction of the Roman Republic.

In 49 BCE, it was through this region that the pharaoh Ptolemy XIII and his entourage passed through in order to reach Siwa.[1]

Two years later in 47 BCE, the Medjay, Bayek, passed through Libue during his pursuit of Flavius Metellus who was the Roman consul of Cyrenaica, the leader of the Order of the Ancients, and the man most directly responsible for the death of Bayek's son.[2]


