Assassin's Creed Wiki
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PL ArtisanHQ Patience, brothers. Soon we will reveal the secrets of Assassin's Creed: Dynasty.

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ACD Li Linfu

Li Linfu

Li Linfu (李林甫; 683 – 753) was a high official of the Tang dynasty. He served as a chancellor for a record nineteen years (734 – 753) during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong. In secret, he led the Golden Turtles, a branch of the Order of the Ancients which manipulated the court from behind-the-scenes, until Yang Guozhong took over.

Behind the scenes[]

Originally, Li Linfu's picture in a character flowchart used as promotional media for Assassin's Creed: Dynasty was an empty silhouette, with the image above labelled as that of his successor Yang Guozhong. Gouzhong made his first appearance when "The Flower Banquet (Part 3)" was released in late September 2020, but his face did not match his depiction in the flowchart. This discrepancy remained until late February 2022 in the issue "The Last Stand of Justice (Special)", which retconned Guozhong's previous image as that of Linfu instead. To date, there has been no explanation from Ubisoft for whether there was an error in the promotional material or if editors changed their mind in the final draft about who Guozhong was.


