Leap of the Faithful was a virtual representation of one of Basim Ibn Ishaq's genetic memories relived through the Animus.
Basim investigate a commotion coming from a group of children near a mosque.
While passing through Sharqiyah, Basim came across a group of children.
- Child 1: You will break your neck!.
- Child 2: You are going to get caught!
- Young Eagle: Stop shouting at me!
Basim spoke to one of the child.
- Basim: Who is the brave little squirrel up there?
- Child 1: He is not a squirrel, his name is "Young Eagle"! We should not have dared him to go up there, but he was being so boastful! Now we're all going to get in trouble!
- Basim: I will get him down.
- Young Eagle: Give me a moment!
Basim started climbing his way up the minaret.
- Basim: That child looks like he has gotten himself into a tricky situation.
Basim reached the platform at the top of the minaret.
- Basim: The boy is quite a climber.
He approached the boy.
- Young Eagle: If you come close, I will jump!
- Basim: My name is Basim, and I climbed up here without thinking it through. Do you think you could help me get down?
They looked at each other before Basim continued.
- Basim: When I was your age, I did all kinds of foolish things to impress my friends.
- Young Eagle: I did not do it for them, I did it for the Hidden Ones.
- Basim: Ah. The Hidden Ones.
- Young Eagle: Not everyone believes in them, but I do. They're the true protectors of the people. They were the ones who avenged my mother. Not the Caliph or his men. The Hidden Ones did that.
- Basim: I see. And you thought this would get their attention? Climbing up here?
- Young Eagle: I heard they can dive from great heights and not get hurt. But I cannot do something unless I see someone else do it first.
- Basim: Do you think you can do it if I showed you?
The boy nodded his head and stepped backwards while Basim performed the Leap of Faith into the haystack below. He then got out.
- Basim: You see? I am unharmed! Now, you go!
- Young Eagle: I cannot!
- Basim: Yes, you can! Do not overthink it! You simply need to have faith!
Gaining a brief moment of courage, the boy followed and jumped down into the haystack.
- Young Eagle: I am ... fine! Gimme a second...
- Basim: Are you hurt?
The boy got out of the haystack.
- Young Eagle: No ... nothing broken.
- Basim: You are a fast learner!
- Young Eagle: I told you. I can do anything if only someone shows me first.
- Basim: That is a valuable talent. Be sure to have a good teacher next time you try something risky like that.
- Young Eagle: You could teach me.
- Basim: I am no teacher. I still have much to learn.
- Young Eagle: No, you are a good teacher. You teach by example. A-are you.../
- Basim: Seek me out when your voice begins to break. Then we will talk.
- Child 1: Wah, that was amazing! Come on, Hytham! Before the mu'azzin catches us!
- Young Eagle: I am coming!
The children ran off along with the boy.
Basim demonstrated how to do a Leap of Faith to a young Hytham, who managed to do it himself shortly after.