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Kosmos is a mysterious entity who is worshipped as a deity by the Cult of Kosmos, a secretive cabal active during the Peloponnesian War in Greece. His "voice" in the world was called the Ghost of Kosmos. It is unknown whether Kosmos is an Isu or has any connection with the Father of Understanding, a mysterious entity who is revered by the Templar Order.

Among the Cultists[]

Zoisme, a member of the Cult's branch Worshippers of the Bloodline, believed Kosmos to be suffering, and hungry for flesh and blood.[1]

Swordfish, a member of the Heroes of the Cult branch of the Cult, deserted the Cult but not Kosmos.[2] Believing the deity to protect himself, Swordfish set out to build a "new", "pure temple" to Kosmos, bringing glory to both of them.[3]


  • κόσμος (kosmos) is a word that stems from ancient Greek origin, and it means both 'order' and 'world', mainly because the ancient Greeks thought that the world was perfectly harmonious and impeccably put in order.



  1. Assassin's Creed: OdysseyCult of Kosmos clues: Zoisme's Journal
  2. Assassin's Creed: OdysseyCult of Kosmos clues: Letter from a Rogue Cultist
  3. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey – Cult of Kosmos clues: Swordfish's Secret Journal
