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The town of Korkyra in Korfu

Korfu is a Greek island that is located in the Ionian Sea.


Classical antiquity[]

In antiquity, the Korkyraeans dedicated a bull statue to the Sanctuary of Delphi in Phokis following a "miraculous day" of tuna fishing.[1]

After the events of the Peloponnesian War, the Spartan misthios Kassandra retired to Korfu for a vacation.[2] She was discovered by Herodotos and Barnabas who were seeking her for another adventure.[3] The phony treasure hunt set up by Barnabas turned out to be a real threat as Kassandra discovered an Apple of Eden, which drained the power from the Spear of Leonidas.[4] After disabling the Apple of Eden after it had taken over Barnabas,[5] Kassandra took up the burden of hunting down Isu artifacts and departed from the island.


Following the Ottoman invasion of Glarentza in 1460, the family of Manuel Palaiologos fled at first to Corfu, and later continued their escape to Rome.[6]

In May 1510, the Mentor of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins, Ezio Auditore chartered a passage to Corfu on the ship Anaan at the port city of Bari in southern Italy.[7]


5th century BCE Korfu consisted of three regions:



