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Assassin's Creed Wiki
This article is about khopeshes in general. You may be looking for the Khopesh in 5th century BCE Greece or the Khopesh Sword.
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A khopesh

The khopesh was a type of Egyptian sickle-sword that was widely used throughout the kingdom during the Ptolemaic era.[1]

Weapon statistics[]

5th century BCE Greece[]

Name Rarity DPS (Max Level 99) Attributes Availability
Ceremonial Khopesh Rare 7469 (Randomised) Blacksmith, Loot
Epic 7829
Khopesh Epic 7829 (Randomised) Blacksmith, Loot

Ptolemaic Egypt[]

Name Rarity Quality Damage Attributes Availability
Aruna Legendary 120 522 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Adrenaline on Hurt Adrenaline on Hurt II
ACO Badge Health for Critical Health for Critical
Purchase Legendary Melee Pack, Nomad's Bazaar
Battle of Gibeon Blade Common 115 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I Blacksmith, Loot
Berserker Blade Legendary 120 530 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I
ACO Badge Adrenaline on Hurt Adrenaline on Hurt I
ACO Badge Health for Critical Health for Critical
Blacksmith, Loot
Bronze Khopesh Common 116 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II Blacksmith, Loot
Canaanite Blade Rare 116 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I
ACO Badge Adrenaline Regeneration Adrenaline Regeneration I
Blacksmith, Loot, Nomad’s Bazaar
Chop-Chop Rare 117 522 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I
ACO Badge Adrenaline Regeneration Adrenaline Regeneration III
Unlocked through Uplay for 20U
Devotee of Montu Common 113 447 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I Blacksmith, Loot
Harpe of Perseus Rare 116 519 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Critical Hit Rate Critical Hit Rate II
Blacksmith, Loot, Nomad’s Bazaar
Imitation Siwan Khopesh Legendary 123 824 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage I
ACO Badge Cursed Cursed
Complete Forging Siwa
Iron Shotel Common 114 522 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I Blacksmith, Loot
Khopesh Sword Common 116 522 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit III Blacksmith, Loot
The Living One** Legendary 122 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Adrenaline Regeneration Adrenaline Regeneration III
ACO Badge Instant Charging Instant Charging
Complete The Heretic
Nilotic Khopesh Common 115 522 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II Blacksmith, Loot
Pearl of Dur-Jakin Legendary 120 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage I
ACO Badge Health on Hit Health on Hit
Nomad’s Bazaar
Ripper Legendary 123 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage IV
ACO Badge Health for Critical Health for Critical
Helix Store
Ruler of the Storm Legendary 123 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit III
ACO Badge Adrenaline on Hurt Adrenaline on Kill III
ACO Badge Health on Hit Health on Hit
Purchase the Almighty Pack DLC
Sanaa Khopesh Common 115 522 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II Obtained from Bayek's Home
Song of the Desert Legendary 122 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit III
ACO Badge Adrenaline on Hurt Adrenaline on Hurt II
ACO Badge Instant Charging Instant Charging
Purchase the Undead Pack DLC
Sword of Ptah Rare 116 519 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit III
ACO Badge Combo Multiplier Combo Multiplier I
Complete The Old Library
Thorn Legendary 122 529 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit II
ACO Badge Critical Hit Rate Critical Hit Rate II
ACO Badge Sleep on Hit Sleep on Hit
Helix Store, Nomad’s Bazaar
The Fang Legendary 122 527 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit I
ACO Badge Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage IV
ACO Badge Poison on Hit Poison on Hit
Helix Store
Viper's Tooth Legendary 119 519 ACO Badge Bleeding on Hit Bleeding on Hit III
ACO Badge Combo Multiplier Combo Multiplier I
ACO Badge Poison on Hit Poison on Hit
Blacksmith, Loot

**Only available after downloading The Curse of the Pharaohs

Viking expansion Europe[]

Name Class Atk Spd Stun Crit Pre Wgt Availability
Egyptian Khopesh Bear 86 45 106 66 17 Trade 20 luxuries, 30 delicacies, and 40 texts with Azar

Mobile Animus 4.38[]

Name Tier Damage Speed Miss Chance Modifiers Requirements
Blade of the Sands ★★★★★ 2.5k-2.6k 1.00 7% +240 Attack
+25 Defense
+20% Critical Chance
+20% Critical Bonus
+5% Dodge
+70 Lethality
300,000 Coins
75 Damascus steel
140 Gold ingots
1 Ancient tablet



