Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACO Khamet


Khamet was an Egyptian man living in the rebel camp of Remetch Ra during the 1st century BCE.


Khamet was one of the rebels living at Remetch Ra camp in the area he grew up in. Around 48 BCE he trained a little girl named Istellah, who he believed to be a strong little warrior and protector. When Sebni told Istellah and her friend Hetanu stories about Alexander the Great and his temple, the children decided to look for treasure and went missing. Sebni and Khamet went looking for them but were captured at Camp Hetoimazo.[1]

At the same time, the Medjay Bayek of Siwa passed through the rebel camp, and heard about missing children. Nawa told him that Sebni, her cousin, had told the children stories about Alexander the Great, and gotten in their head the idea to go treasure hunting. She also informed him about the capture of Sebni and Khamet by Ptolemaic soldiers.[1]

Bayek rescued both men and learned that Istellah and Hetanu probably went to the temple. Sebni rode for rebel camp at Theos Elpis Rift, as Khamet suggested that children might have returned there, while the latter travelled to the temple with Medjay. They investigated the area, finding traces of children's presence. Bayek heard Hetanu's cries for help and found his way into the temple, where he found the boy trapped by snakes and rescued him, while Khamet stood guard. Hetanu told both men that Istellah went for help to Theos Elips Rift camp. Khamet stayed with the boy while Bayek was rescuing the other child and later brought Hetanu back to Remetch Ra.[1]



