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This article is about Spartan. You may be looking for the Greek Assassin or one of the twins from Greek mythology.

Kastor was a Spartan man who lived during the 5th century BCE.

During the later half of the Peloponnesian War, Kastor lent his services to his state as a misthios handler, using the mercenaries to aid the war in Sparta's benefits. At one point, he was also acquainted with the Megarian adventurer Odessa. Around 405 BCE, he recruited the services of the famed misthios Kassandra, who herself was a former Spartan noble. After the Battle of Aegospotami, Kastor and Kassandra travelled to Delos to sabotage the Athenian efforts to supply resources to Athens. Kastor tasked Kassandra to eliminate two Athenian commanders, the magistrate of Delos Straton, and the admiral Phaidos.[1]

Once Kassandra was done with her mission, she returned to Kastor in the villa, who informed her that their deaths and failure to deliver the supply will force Athens to surrender the city to the Peloponnesian League. Soon after, Kastor introduced Kassandra to her old acquaintance Odessa, who came to Delos seeking to locate the bow of Odysseus. After Kassandra agreed to help her locate the bow, Kastor took his leave to return to Sparta and report his mission in the Aegean Sea.[1]


