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"With this [...] a simple carpenter turned water into wine."
Al Mualim, on Jesus' use of an Apple of Eden, 1191.[src]

Jesus (fl. c. 4 BCE – c. 33 CE), also known as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was a 1st century Jewish rabbi and carpenter who became one of the central figures of Christianity. His believers, called Christians, view him as the Christ and the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament, believing him to be the "Son of God" who sacrificed himself to cleanse the sins of all humanity, before being resurrected from the dead and ascending to Heaven.

Early Christians wrote down his life and teachings as the New Testament. His miraculous powers were discovered to be due to possessing ancient technology from the First Civilization, including a Shroud of Eden.


At one point in his life, Jesus Christ come in to contact with a Piece of Eden called the Shroud of Eden and began performing many miracles by harnessing its restorative powers, such as healing the sick and wounded and at one point even resurrecting the recently deceased Lazarus.

However, the Order of the Ancients took notice of his many followers and investigated these groups as well as these miracles being performed by Jesus. After being betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, Jesus was arrest by the Romans under the control of the Order. He was tortured and then crucify on mount Golgotha in Jerusalem, while the Ancients took the Shroud for themselves.[1] However, Jesus' disciples were able to recover the Shroud and on the third day, resurrect him.[2]

Legacy and influence

After Jesus' death, his disciples spread his teachings through the Middle East and the Roman Empire, developing a new religion: Christianity. Christians was intermittently persecuted by Roman Emperors, until Emperor Constantine I halted the persecution and made Christianity the chief religion in the Empire.[3] A church was constructed on the place where Jesus was crucified and buried, becoming an important place of pilgrimage.[4]

Even after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, Christianity remained of the major religion in the Mediterranean world. In Rome, the bishop of the city became an influential person in the European politics, taking the title of Pope and ruling his own State. The Popes' influence was increased by three pieces of Eden in their possession: the Staff of Eden and two prongs of the Trident of Eden.[1] Many churches, monasteries and basilicas were founded through Europe as the influence of the Church growth. During the 10th century, Denmark was converted by the bishop Poppa to Christianity using a prong of the Trident.[5] As the rivality between the Popes and the emperors of the Byzantine Empire increased, the Christanity knew a Great Schism in 1054 between the Catholic Church, led by the Pope in Rome, and the Orthodox Church, spread in the Byzantine Empire and Russia.

During the Middle Ages, the Christian Kingdoms entered in Holy Wars against the Islamic Caliphates. One of this conflicts was the Crusades where the Crusaders trying to take back Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre from the Seljukides and later the Ayyubid dynasty and the Mamluks.[4] In 1204, during the fourth Crusade, the Crusaders took Constantinople from the Byzantins and founded a Catholic Latin Empire.[6] The crown of thorns allegedly worn by Jesus was in the possession of the Last Latin Emperor Baldwin II. In 1238, he sold the crown to King Louis IX of France, who stored it in the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.[7] After the return of the Byzantin Empire, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453, ending the reign of Constantine XI Palaiologos. Even if the official religion became Islam under the Turks and the Basilica Hagia Sophia was transformed in a mosque, the Orthodox Church was authorized to remain in the city with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople at its head.[8]

Another one of this conflicts was the Reconquista, when the Spanish Kings took back the territories conquered by the Muslim Army during the 8th century. The war betwween the Catholics and the Muslims ended with the taking of Granada by the Spanish forces. With the installation of the Spanish Inquisition, every other faiths than the Catholic one was deemed as heretics and punished of death in Spain and later in Portugal.[9][10]

During the Italian Renaissance, Jesus Christ and others Christian figures were major artistic subjects during this period. Many artists as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael painted events from the Bible as the Adoration of the Magi or the ressurection of the Christ.[1]



