Gilded Butterflies was a virtual representation of one of Basim Ibn Ishaq's genetic memories relived through the Animus.
Basim attends the Great Auction to expose the Treasurer's identity.
Basim entered and explored The Bazaar.
- Civilian: Refreshing to see the bazaar so lively. The traders only bring in the finest spices I want during the auction!
- Civilian: It is a time to buy the exquisite, to mingle with elite, and to dress in your finest.
- Civilian: Yet we still have persons dressed in a hood...
He caught sight of his friend and tea merchant Kong.
- Kong: Basim! Lái! (Come!)
- Basim: Should have known you would be here, Kong.
- Kong: Hah! You know me. Come, let us chat.
- Basim: I do have something to ask of you... Do you have nay information about the Treasurer? Someone who works for the Caliphate.
- Kong: The Treasurer? Hmm, I do have something but, you know, it hurts to give precious information for free...
- Basim: What job do you need now?
- Kong: Hah! Already know what is on my mind, eh? You see, little finch, the Da'irat Al-mal is not only an important event for the upper-class of Karkh, but also for the thieves.
- Basim: Did someone take something of yours again?
- Kong: A precious ceramic saucer. Luca has it. He has always been jealous of me.
- Basim: Where do you think it is?
- Kong: I knew I could rely on you, little finch! You should be able to find it in the crates near the stall.
- Basim: Be right back.
Basim left to locate Luca's stall.
- Civilian: Ceramics and textiles from the East! Took a while to get past the blockade but they made it for the auction.
He headed further down the street.
- Civilian: I assume you hear about the commotion a few stalls down?
- Civilian: Do not tell me it's Kong and Luca again...
- Civilian: Oh, not them this time. Another pair of traders fighting to get a stall near the auction.
He came across Luca's stall in the bazaar.
- Basim: This must be the stall Kong mentioned. Now, to find that plate...
Basim was able to navigate his way up to the warehouse on the second floor. He found the saucer on the table.
- Basim: Trust Kong to own a plate like this. Now, maybe he will tell me what he knows about the Treasurer.
He then read a note on the same table.
Our Time to Shine
- Get yourself ready boys, the Grand Auction is finally here! The guards will be busy so this will be our time to finally reward ourselves with their gold. Join me on the roof and we commence ... unless you decide to run with your tails between your legs. Chicken.
- Basim: Hmm, suspicious activity on the rooftops...
Basim returned to Kong, passing him the saucer.
- Basim: Here.
- Kong: Little finch delivers once again! Just the very thing I need to complete my set!
- Basim: I thought this was yours...
- Kong: It is now! Anyway, listen close... I was having my usual afternoon tea when I overheard two ladies speaking about an order they fulfilled for the Da'irat Al-mal. They made a beautiful robe for the Treasurer with intricate eastern embroidery. Open your eyes to that!
- Basim: Eastern wear? Thank you, Kong.
Basim left Kong's store.
- Basim: The Treasurer is likely a foreigner from the East.
Basim explored the market, overhearing a merchant selling Chinese pottery and artifacts. on the second level.
- Merchant: Ahlan, Ahlan! (welcome, welcome!) Come upstairs and look at my wares, ya sadeeqi! Things you have never seen before in Baghdad! Exotic Chinese artifacts, here only! Nowhere else! Don't be shy! Come closer and be amazed at my selection upstairs!
Basim headed up and explored his store.
- Basim: As-salamu 'alaikum. You mentioned Chinese artifacts?
- Merchant: Yes friend, welcome, welcome! You will surely find something of interest here!
He looked at a collection of hairpins on display.
- Merchant: Longing for the exquisite, ya sadeeqi? I have ornaments that hail from the far East on auction! Rare vases, delicate tea cups ... but the hairpin is my prize! One of a kind, a beauty even the Treasurer asked about!
- Basim: Wait, the hairpin? Where is it?
- Merchant: It's going to be up on auction! If you wish to purchase it, make sure to bring a good bag of coin!
- Basim: A hairpin, from the East. This must be the item Al-Kullulu was after for the Treasurer. I must look out for it at the auction.
Basim left the merchant's stall and continued down the streets. On the second level, he spotted the concubine Qabiha talking to the perfume merchant he had helped before.
- Qabiha: Tardiness is not something the Treasurer appreciates.
Basim sat down at a nearby bench and eavesdropped on their conversation.
- Perfume Supplier: ... not something we can rush, ya sayyidati (my lady).
- Qabiha: The Treasurer will not be happy. Neither will I.
- Perfume Supplier: I know that. The perfume creation is complex. We are already doing our best.
- Qabiha: Your best is not enough.
- Perfume Supplier: Come, we talk elsewhere. There are ears in the walls.
Qabiha and the trader left to head to another location.
- Basim: That woman mentioned the Treasurer. I should keep my ears close.
Basim carefully followed them from behind.
- Qabiha: The Treasurer is fond of the Qina', as you know. No one is more unhappy when three dozen bottles go missing.
- Perfume Supplier: With the harbor witholding our supplies, production has been slow, ya sayyidati. Certain ... incidents there have also made our situation difficult.
Basim followed the two women to a quarter, where the concubine laid down on some pillows. He sat down on a bench to continue eavesdropping.
- Qabiha: You are not telling me exactly what it is we are missing.
- Perfume Supplier: The ... blood, my lady.
- Qabiha: The blood is essential in the scent. It is what makes the Qina' perfume special. We must have it.
- Perfume Supplier: I will talk to the Caliph, see what we can do. The Treasurer will have to wait for her supply.
The perfume trader left.
- Basim: This perfume on the Tax Collector's letters ... I thought it smelled like iron. Was it blood? This woman could be from the Caliph's inner circle. She knows the Treasurer ... I must speak to her.
Basim entered the concubine's quarters to speak to Qabiha.
- Basim: As-salamu 'alaikum, ya sayyidati.
- Qabiha: Wa 'alaikum as-salam.
- Basim: I could not help but overhear, sayyidati, about the perfume...
- Qabiha: It is not courteous to eavesdrop. Seeing as you are an admirer, you are pardoned. My name is Qabiha, the woman behind the Qina'.
- Basim: It has a unique scent.
- Qabiha: Rose, honey, sandalwood ... and if you heard, a sliver of blood.
- Basim: Blood ... I should have guessed. I had thought it might be iron.
- Qabiha: Blood is born from iron, is it not? But because of that detail, it proves difficult to bring in large quantities.
- Basim: If it is so exclusive it must be popular amongst officials I think I caught a scent of it near the Treasurer...
- Qabiha: Ning uses the Qina'. She is quite taken with its rich mystique, as are many. Curious. You do not look like one who is interested in the art of perfumery.
- Basim: It is unwise to judge someone by how they look.
- Qabiha: Indeed. Did I not catch your name?
- Basim: Basim.
- Qabiha: Basim.
- Basim: I must not waste any more of your time. I wish you a wonderful time at the Da'irat Al-mal, ya sayyidati.
Qabiha took her leave.
- Basim: So, the Treasurer is a she ... and her name is Ning.
After much investigation, the day turned to night.
- Basim: The auction should be starting soon.
Basim made his way to the center of the Bazaar, where the auction was taking place. He sat down on the bench near the front.
- The Host: Marhaban, As-salamu 'alaikum, Yassas, ni hao, hello! It is the time of year again to fulfill your deepest yearning, to listen to your heart's desire and purchase what God has shown us! It brings me great joy to welcome all of you esteemed individuals to our annual Da'irat Al-mal!
A woman walked on stage carrying an elephant statue and placed it on a table near the host.
- The Host: First on our exclusive, captivating list of exotic odds and ends, we have a stunning statue from India. Made of ivory and crafted by the finest artisans, it will be a perfect addiciton to any home!
A man in the crowd raised his arm.
- The Host: Oh, what do we have! One bidder already.
Another person raised their arm.
- The Host: No, two! Calling once, twice...
Qabiha raised her arm as well.
- The Host: A third! Would anyone like to best that price? NO? Sold! This piece goes to the lovely lady.
The statue was taken away, and in its place, the hairpin that Basim was told earlier by the merchant dealing in Chinese wares.
- The Host: Next, we have a one of a kind ethereal beauty. This hairpin hails from the East, and look at the detail on the dragon! Perfect as a collectible, and even better as a gift for a certain lady friend you might have.
The host noticed Ning had just arrived on a balcony overlooking the auction.
- The Host: S-so, what is this piece worth to you, ya asdiqa'i (my friends)?
Ning whispered to one of her companions, who raised his hand.
- The Host: O-one! For the Treasurer who graced us with her presence.
- Basim: Ning, the Treasurer.
A man in black also raised his hand.
- The Host: Two! Any others?
- The Host: We have a third, there!
The man in black raised his hand again.
- The Host: Ho! Two owns it again! Number three, what will you do? How much do you want this, my friends! Reach into your heart, listen to your desire!
Basim raised his hand again.
- The Host: No one? Then, sold! To the handsome bearded man! This hairpin belongs to you now, sayyidi. Now, for the third item...
- The Host: ...and we thank you, once again, for making the Da'irat Al-mal a success! May your purses be ever full, and your hear ever longing!
The host left, signifying the end of the event. Basim left to look for the Treasurer.
- Cvilian: Did you see her? Her calmness, her grace ... like a lone, shining star against a dark night. If only I could speak to her.
He reached a guarded door to the Treasurer's quarters, where a merchant was speaking to the guard.
- Rich Merchant: I have an appointment with the Treasurer. Move aside.
- Soldier: Apologies. My instructions were clear. No brooch, no entry.
- Rich Merchant: Do you know who I am? I need to speak to the Treasurer! I was called, summoned!
The merchant and Basim approached the guard.
- Basim: As-salamu 'alaikum, I am here to see the Treasurer.
- Soldier: On what business?
- Basim: I have a gift for the Treasurer, if she will see me.
- Soldier: Only members of The Ivory Coin are allowed to enter. No brooch, no entry.
Basim left to find more information on the brooch. he came across a a dispute between a spice merchant and a member of The Ivory Coin.
- Merchant: This is proof that I am of the Merchant's Guild! Look! See!
- Spice Merchant: With respect, that does not entitle you to three bags of saffron, two of vanilla, and a bottle of honey without a single coin.
- Merchant: Impossible! Bah, this is a waste of my time!
Basim spoke to the spice merchant.
- Spice Merchant: Hello, spices for you?
- Basim: Trouble with customers?
- Spice Merchant: No more than usual. These people from The Ivory Coin think themselves touched by God himself.
- Basim: The Ivory Coin?
- Spice Merchant: I ... I should not speak about it. I do not know much, really.
- Basim: Whatever you know can help me.
- Spice Merchant: Well ... it will not hurt to tell you what I know. The Ivory Coin is an exclusive merchant's guild. They have a brooch that grants them access to certain places.
- Basim: How do you obtain this brooch?
- Spice Merchant: I hear only respected merchants are part of The Ivory Coin, and that you can only be invited by another member. They think their status gives them permission to take goods without coin. Hmph. Have you ever seen such vanity?
- Basim: This is expected in Karkh. Thank you.
Basim left and reached a guarded part of the bazaar.
- Soldier: No brooch, no entry. You know how this works.
- Civilian: Yes, but I left my brooch in there! Do you not see the problem here?
- Soldier: No brooch, no entry.
- Civilian: La'anak Allah!
He managed to gain access into the guild's chambers from the upper levels.
- Basim: An exclusive union for the merchants of high society. I should have expected this to exist.
He reached a quarter with guards in it.
- Soldier: I do not care what you have to do! Burn them, or murder their dogs if you have to!
- Soldier: Understood, sayyidi. We will retrieve your coin from the merchant's stall on the morrow, at all cost.
- Soldier: Why not today? Gah. You lot are getting more incompetent by the day. Useless.
After clearing the area of guards, he found the brooch on the table.
- Basim: This must be The Ivory Coin's brooch. Shiny.
Basim left th guild's quarters.
- Basim: I have both trinkets. The guard will have to let me in now.
He returned to the entrance to the Treasurer's quarters.
- Basim: As-salamu 'alaikum.
- Soldier: You again. What is it now?
- Basim: I have something that she wants. A Chinese hairpin, form the auction. I also have my brooch with me, here.
- Soldier: Very well. You may enter.
The guard unlocked the door and let Basim in.
- Soldier: This way, sayyidi.
Basim followed another guard into the quarters.
- Basim: I have been looking forward to meeting the Treasurer. It is an honor.
- Soldier: Indeed, sayyidi. She is busy and her time only allows for a few rare appearances.
- Basim: I have never seen so many treasures in one place.
He caught Ning having a meeting with a merchant.
- Ning: This is of inferior make. I wonder if you really are the expert you claim to be.
- Civilian: This plate is priceless, I swear it! Treasurer, Ning, if only you--
- Ning: Go. Leave the vase, but get the plate out of my sight. Perhaps the dogs in the souq can use it for their meals.
- Civilian: Her standards are too high. One has to be careful not to get bitten in there.
- Soldier: Please refrain from speaking about the Treasurer inappropriately.
The merchant left.
- Soldier: You may enter.
Basim entered the hall and spoke to Ning.
- Ning: You are a new face.
- Basim: My name is Basim. New to Baghdad, but not to trade. I deal mostly in fine antiques and collectibles.
- Ning: You must have a good eye for detail then. What have you brought me, Basim?
- Basim: You know what I brought.
- Ning: A man not to be toyed with. Come, show it to me!
Basim approached closer to Ning, who asked her guard to step aside. Basim took out the hairpin and handed it over to her, who went to inspect and take a closer look.
- Ning: Exquisite. Ever seen something like this? So perfect, so delicate.
- Basim: No, but I am surprised that you have not.
- Ning: I do have a penchant for them. When I was but a child, my sisters and I would tie our hair with sticks, adorn them with stone. I pretended they were the rarest gems. We had nothing, but we felt that we had it all. There are many reasons why people see me. For advice, a taste of power, and most often to win favor. Why have you come, Basim?
- Basim: As a fellow collector, I have heard much about you from others. Your extravagance, your taste. I wish to learn.
- Ning: Did they say I was lucky? I loathe the word. When I first arrived in Baghdad I was one of many seeking my fortune. Now, I have even the East wrapped around my fingers. I clawed my way here when many gave up, preferring to spare their nails. But me, I don't mind a few scratches, a bit of blood.
- Basim: Surely there have been connections, the people you met that helped you get where you are.
- Ning: No matter what others say, you only have yourself. No one else.
In the Memory Corridor, Basim approached and kneeled down to the fatally wounded Ning.
- Ning: "Everything prospers when family is harmonious." Family? The word has no meaning. The notions even more so. Only the self hears the deepest whispers of your soul and accepts you whole.
- Basim: No one lives alone.
- Ning: But we die lonely. In the end, we are absolutely, simply, truly alone.
Ning died from her wounds, and Basim took out his feather to stain her bloodied neck. Once again, the surrounding turned to black, signifying the Djinn's appearance and growl once again.
- Basim: The ... the jinni ... again... I ... I should return to the Bureau.
Basim left the Treasurer's quarters.
- Soldier: The Treasurer, she's dead! Guards, help! Someone killed the Treasurer!
Basim assassinated the Order member.
- The name of the memory may be a reference to a quote from William Shakespeare's King Lear.