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ACV Ghost Auroch

The Ghost Auroch

The Ghost Auroch was a legendary wild bull that lived in northern Amienois, West Francia. A gigantic bull, this legendary animal was considered to be the predecessor to the current domestic cattle.


In the late 880s, jarlskona Eivor Varinsdottir of the Raven Clan travelled around the northern region of Amienois. Along her journey, Eivor noticed a humongous wild bull, grazing the land, while it was surrounded by bodies of those who tried to kill it. Once entering its domain, Eivor challenged the beast to a fight as the bull let out a strong bellow. Throughout the fight, the auroch traveled a distance away from Eivor and replenished its own health by eating the grass near it. However, Eivor proved to be victorious and defeated the creature. From its personal effects, Eivor collected its head. [1]

Behind the scenes[]

  • The bull itself is an Auroch, which species have been extinct since 1627. Also, Eivor only had few amounts of winter chanterelle in the domain to replenish her own health, increasing the difficulty of the fight against the legendary creature.
  • Unlike the other legendary creatures, Eivor cannot go to her tanner and mount its head in Ravensthorpe, like the Black Stout in Ireland.


