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ACS - Gang Upgrades

The Gang Upgrades in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

Gang Upgrades are an in-game user interface that allows the player to upgrade the abilities of the Rooks gang controlled by Evie and Jacob Frye. A total of 39 upgrades can be unlocked and are assigned to one of 3 trees, Ringleader, Insider, and Swindler. Upgrades can be unlocked by using in-game currency and resources.



Upgrade Cost Requirement Description
Rook Training I £1000
50 Leather
Medicine Market Rooks receive basic combat training. They are now Level 5. Press RB/R1 to recruit them.
Allies in Arms £2500
50 Metal
25 Chemicals
Rook Training I When you order your Rooks to fight, they will open conflict with a volley fire.
Training Rooks II £10000
100 Metal
50 Silk
Rook Training I and Allies in Arms Rooks receive advanced combat training. They are now Level 7. Press RB/R1 to recruit them.
Enhanced Firepower £6000
100 Metal
75 Chemicals
Training Rooks II Your Rook's volley fire is more effective.
Training Rooks III £20000
100 Metal
50 Silk
Training Rooks II and Enhanced Firepower Rooks receive expert combat training. They are now Level 9. Press RB/R1 to recruit them
Rook Riders I £1500
50 Leather
100 Metal
Medicine Market Purchases carriages for your Rooks. Look for them on the streets of London.
Rook Riders II £3000
100 Metal
50 Leather
Rook Riders I Popularity strikes! There are more Rook-themed carriages roaming around. Look for them on the streets of London.
Rook Carriage £5000
100 Leather
100 Silk
Rook Riders II There was room in the budget for better wheels! The Rooks now dominate the streets of London with more resistant carriages.
Cavalry Call £8000
150 Metal
100 Leather
Rook Carriage Summon a carriage full of Rooks to your aid. Hold RB/R1 to open the Rooks menu and press A/X to call the carriage.
Rook Watchers £2000
50 Leather
Medicine Market Your gang now includes the Watcher archetype. Watchers use their firearms more often than other archetypes.
Rook Brutes £5000
50 Leather
Rook Watchers Your gang now includes the Brute archetype. Brutes are as tough as their name implies.
Rook Enforcers £8000
100 Metal
50 Silk
Rook Brutes Your gang now includes the Enforcer archetype. Enforcers use long-range weapons.
Carriage Sabotage £4500
50 Metal
50 Chemicals
Medicine Market The Blighter's repairman seems to have left the country. Blighter carriages are less resilient.
Poison the Well £5000
50 Chemicals
Carriage Sabotage Reduce the initial health of all Blighters.
Dull Blades £3500
50 Leather
25 Silk
Poison the Well Nothing but faulty weapon shipments arrive at the Blighter strongholds. Not so much of a threat now, are they?
Bad Powder I £4000
100 Metal
50 Chemicals
Dull Blades Low quality gunpowder causes the Blighters to occasionally misfire, or even cause the weapon to explode.
Bad Powder II £6000
100 Metal
80 Chemicals
Bad Powder I Low quality gunpowder causes the Templars to occasionally misfire, or even cause the weapon to explode.


Upgrade Cost Requirement Description
Police Bribes £5000
25 Silk
Medicine Market Police will turn a blind eye to some of your illegal actions.
Notoriety £7500 Police Bribes The name of 'Frye' inspires fear in the hearts of your enemies. The Blighters won't initiate conflict with you in the streets.
Little Rooks £1500
100 Metal
50 Chemicals
Medicine Market Children are the best thieves in London. When using RB/R1 to interact with them, they'll give you better loot items.
Delivery Service £1000
50 Leather
25 Silk
Little Rooks More hanging barrels will appear around the city. Shoot the barrels to have them fall on unsuspecting enemies.
Explosive Delivery £2000
50 Metal
50 Chemicals
Delivery Service You'll see more explosives around the city. Press B/O to carry the crate or hold B/O to ignite it.
Growler Boom £1500
25 Metal
Medicine Market Increase the popularity of the Growler. Look for more of this favorite on the streets of London.
Dispatcher £1500 Growler Boom Nimbler, faster, and more reliable: fire trucks can reach the poorer boroughs of London.
Medicine Market £500
10 Metal
50 Chemicals
Complete Whitechapel takeover You can now buy medicine in shops. Use medicine ↑ during combat to quickly recover health.
Mad Science £2500
50 Metal
25 Chemicals
Complete Breaking News
Medicine Market
Unlock the first Voltaic Bomb upgrades.


Upgrade Cost Requirement Description
City-Wide Craze £500
50 Metal
50 Chemicals
Complete Cable News
Medicine Market
50% discount on Hallucinogenic Darts.
Bomb Discount £4500
100 Metal
25 Chemicals
City-Wide Craze A certain fireworks vendor likes it when things go boom. He will reduce the price of all bombs by 50%.
Black Market Affiliation £3000
50 Metal
50 Chemicals
Medicine Market Ammunition comes cheaper when you know the right person. Save 25% on gun and throwing knife ammunition at any shop.
Black Market Ties £4000
50 Chemicals
Black Market Affiliation Having a hand in black market dealings comes with its own benefits. Buy new weapons and other gear from the inventory at a discount of 20%.
City Takeover £10000
50 Silk
50 Chemicals
Black Market Ties Learn the not-so-subtle art of bribery. All other GANG UPGRADES will cost less money to purchase.
Ale Heist £1500
50 Chemicals
Meet Ned Wynert
Medicine Market
Carts containing ale shipments run throughout the city. Hijack or Escort them for a cash reward.
Shell Company £5000
25 Silk
25 Chemicals
Ale Heist Place your money in various accounts to Increase the payout of all income activities.
Rate of Income £8000
25 Silk
25 Chemicals
Shell Company Pass bills that reduce business taxes. Increase the amount of money deposited in your hideout vault by 25%.
Pub Investor £6000
150 Leather
50 Chemicals
Medicine Market Buy pubs in the city to increase the train hideout income by 500£ every 30 minutes and your maximum safe capacity by 500£.
Pub Games £10000
100 Leather
Pub Investor Sponsor street-football games around pubs, and increase pub clientele. Doing so will increase the train hideout income by 500£ every 30 minutes and your maximum safe capacity by 500£.
Bookmaker £12000
100 Leather
50 Silk
Pub Games Hire professional bookies and make money at the races. Doing so will increase the train hideout income by 500£ every 30 minutes and your maximum safe capacity by 500£.
Tea Magnate £15000
50 Metal
50 Chemicals
Bookmaker Invest in London's tea businesses to increase the train hideout by 500£ every 30 minutes and your maximum safe capacity by 500£.
Shop Investor £20000
100 Metal
100 Silk
Tea Magnate Buy local shops to increase the train hideout income by 1000£ every 30 minutes and your maximum safe capacity by 1000£

