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When Galina Voronina's mother was stabbed did it kill Juno or did she just leave her body?
Harkon Romney (talk) 01:02, July 4, 2014 (UTC)
- I doubt it. After waiting all these years to be released from the Grand Temple, and she's killed off by a minor character in a non-mainstream medium? I'm sure she'll make an appearance in Unity and future AC games, one way or another. Stormbeast ♉ The Helpful Place 01:18, July 4, 2014 (UTC)
- Assassin's Creed: Initiates. It keeps up with the modern day events (though at the moment it's down for maintenance/updates), starring William Miles' ally Gavin Banks and his team of Assassins. The event they're talking about concerns Galina Voronina, a Russian Assassin. You can read up on what happened on Juno's article, Galina's or Galina's mother. Crook The Constantine District 16:24, July 4, 2014 (UTC)
Didn't the whole mission in Russian laboratory happen before the events of Black Flag? If so, then Juno clearly wouldn't be dead, as she appeared later in the Cloud Server room at AE in Montreal. That aside, she's inhabiting the Internet at the moment. --Kainzorus Prime Walkie-talkie 17:10, July 4, 2014 (UTC)
- Late March 2014. Stormbeast ♉ The Helpful Place 17:14, July 4, 2014 (UTC)
- Indeed. Initiates is real-time; after Juno failed to possess the Analyst, she attempted to possess Mummy Voronina. --Jasca Ducato (talk | contributions) 19:08, July 4, 2014 (UTC)
- I don't think Juno would "die" now - or any time soon. Seems like she had found a way to store (or preserve) her thoughts - much like Clay in the Black Room. And she seemed to be sealed off in some mind prison before Desmond activated the Eye. All she needs now is a body to possess.
- Still, a flesh and blood being can't kill a thought, correct? If Juno is to die, she's gotta have to die in a body - and rid her of that "immortality" of hers.
- Hey! I wonder if that AC4 Abstergo Rookie is a chick...
- Harbinger3781 (talk) 17:08, July 8, 2014 (UTC)