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Fort William Henry was a British fort in the Hudson River valley, which, during the French and Indian War, was under the command of Colonel George Monro. It is famed for the massacre that occurred in that conflict, where retreating British troops were slaughtered by indigenous Americans in violation of the peace terms after the French captured the fort.


In August 1757 during the French and Indian War, French troops under General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm and their Abenaki allies under the Assassin Kesegowaase besieged the fort, and after days of fighting, Colonel Monro and his soldiers surrendered.

The British were allowed to retreat by Montcalm on 10 August, but Kesegowaase betrayed his orders and ambushed the British forces. Though many of the British fell to the onslaught, thanks to the Templar Shay Cormac, Monro and a few of his men survived.

