Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Find the Assassin's Guild was a virtual representation of one of Ezio Auditore da Firenze's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus.


Ezio arrived in Barcelona to find Antonio's contacts.


  • Ezio: Antonio gave me the names of two contacts. One of them should be able to provide me with information.
  • Contact 1: Find the tallest building in town. There's a secret door on the roof.
  • Contact 2: Yes there's a thieves' guild nearby. Somewhere in the center of town.
  • Ezio: Empty, as I feared. Now my only recourse is with the Inquisitors themselves.

Ezio was attacked by the guards.

  • Guard: Halt! These premises are the property of the church!


Ezio was lured into a trap, set for him by the Inquisitors.



Assassin's Creed II: Discovery memories
Main missions
Memory Block 1
Go to the Thieves' Guild - Find Christoffa - Return to the Thieves' Guild
Memory Block 2
Meet Santángel and Christoffa - Find Christoffa's Atlas - Bring the Atlas to the Harbor
Memory Block 3
Chase the Thief - Find the Assassin's Guild - Escape the Ambush - Assassinate Gaspar Martínez - Rescue the Assassin
Memory Block 4
Find Pedro Llorente - Rescue the Captured Assassins - Rescue the Last Captured Assassin - Assassinate Pedro Llorente - Return to Sánchez
Memory Block 5
Race to the Cygnet - Eliminate the Templar Presence - Save the Civilians - Survive the Ambush - Assassinate the Templar Spy - Report the Spy's Death - Enter Granada City
Memory Block 6
Infiltrate Alhambra Palace - Find King Muhammad - Escape the Tower - Open the Palace Gates - Stop the Burning of the City
Memory Block 7
Protect Civilians from Inquisitors - Assassinate Juan de Marillo - Find Christoffa - Stop the Assassination
Memory Block 8
Rid the Palace of Inquisitors - Rescue Raphael Sánchez - Infiltrate Torquemada's Dwelling - Assassinate Tomás Torquemada
Challenge missions
Challenge 1 - Challenge 2 - Challenge 3 - Challenge 4 - Challenge 5 - Challenge 6 - Challenge 7 - Challenge 8 - Challenge 9 - Challenge 10