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The Red Ghost of the Tuileries was a virtual representation of one of Arno Dorian's genetic memories, relived by a Helix initiate in 2014 through the Helix Navigator.



  • Body of Director Beaudoin – A middle-aged man, shot through the head in an apparent suicide. He still holds a fancy red pistol whose barrel lies in the deceased's mouth.
  • Bank registry – Beaudoin's bank account shows a series of large withdrawals and is now empty. A creditor is demanding reimbursement for invalid checks. The registry shows Beaudoin's personal addresses as: 19 rue de la Coquilière.


Citizen Beaudoin. Please accept our invitation to an intimate soirée to be held at our home. 10 rue des Prouvaires. With great affection – Friedrich and Brigitta von Glück

Love letter

My dearest Beaudoin, you cannot imagine the emotion with which I write. My husband has uncovered our liaison! He is furious and, in his rages, threatens you with mortal injury. Oh, my love, I knew I should have returned to Austria rather than continue our affair, but our time together was too, too sweet... Brigitta von Glück

  • Marks on wall – Handwritten in what seems to be blood: "Beaudoin! I know the evil that lies in your heart. Your end is near!"
  • Newspaper – A small advertisement is circled: "Card-players are invited to join an exclusive table, discreetly situated in a corner of the Palais-Royal. Gentleman of irreproachable character only, please."
  • Oil painting – A terrifying painting of the Red Ghost who haunts the Tuileries. The painting appears to be stained with dark splotches of dried blood.

Personal letter

My esteemed Director of Finances, the events and apparitions have, no doubt, put you under great stress. If I can be helpful in any way, my personal address is 5, rue Fromenteau. Respectfully, Counselor LeGall

  • Statement of Counselor LeGall – Counselor LeGall (assistant to victim): Claims victim was locked in the office for over a day and in a state of extreme agitation.
  • Statement of First Valet – The First Valet: Claimed to have heard ghostly noises and the ghost speaking to Beaudoin though the door on multiple occasions. The ghost spoke with an accent.
  • Statement of Second Valet – Second Valet: Recounted the legend of a German murderer, executed in the sixteenth century, who haunts the Tuileries as a red ghost. Also claimed that the painting of the ghost had appeared one day ago.
  • Statement of Third Valet – Third Valet: Claims they had just heard the shot prior to my arrival. Also claims to have seen a ghost dressed in red enter the office a few nights ago.
  • Vent trap – An odd-looking vent trap that doesn't match any others found in the Tuileries.
  • Vials – Small glass vials containing a foul smelling liquid. They are marked as brewed by a local apothecary: 137 rue St. Honoré.

Apothecary Shop[]

  • Statement of the Apothecary – Apothecary: Made an elixir for the victim who wanted "something to keep the spirits away."

Counselor's House[]

  • A genealogical tree – A genealogical tree showing that LeGall is directly descended from Johannes Metzger.

Letter from Beaudoin

Respected Counselor LeGall, these apparitions, whether real or imagined, strike horror in my heart. I swear I have seen objects in my office move of their own volition! It is as if the ghost haunted the walls behind my office. I feel my reason slipping from me and rely on your steadfast advice. What am I to do? —Beaudoin

Official-looking letter

Citizen LeGall, this missive is to confirm our conversations. Due to Citizen Beaudoin's recent attacks of hysteria, it is understood that if and when the position of Director of Finances, currently held by Citizen Beaudoin, comes open and available, it is decided that you, acting Counselor to Beaudoin, will take his position at an annual recompensation of 800 livres. —Citizen LeFevre, Magistrate

Gambling Den[]

  • Ledger – A ledger showing the names of four men and their gambling debts owed. The names are:


Gabriel Beaudoin
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
Le Pelletier St-Fargeau
Friedrich von Glück

  • Set of dueling pistols – A dueling pistol case containing only one of a pair of fancy red pistols.
  • Statement of card-player – Card player: Claimed someone was cheating at their card games. Claimed it could not have been the victim, because he had seen Beaudoin's bank statements and he'd lost all his money.

Secret Room[]

  • Instruments – Various drums, whistles and bells.
  • Levers – A series of wooden levers, evidently controlling various mechanical devices.
  • Mouthpiece – A simple mouthpiece connected to a tube leading into the wall.
  • Pot and brush – A pot containing a brush and red paint.

Victim's House[]

  • Glass vials – A box of glass vials marked with an apothecary stamp indicating 137, rue St. Honoré.
  • Historical books and papers – Books and papers relating to the appearances throughout history of the Red Ghost of the Tuileries. They show that in 1561 one Johannes Metzger (a Bavarian known in Paris as Jean L'Écorcheur) vowed vengeance on the Crown at his execution. The appearances of the Red Ghost began at that point and have continued until the present. Several books detail investigations at the Tuileries in search of the ghost and recount tales of mysterious noises, secret rooms, and strange apparitions.

Letter from Counselor LeGall

Sir, I know as a fact that the ghost exists and is dangerous. There is no doubt in my mind that it is capable of horrendous acts that no man should be subject to. The legend says the ghost haunts your office in the Tuileries. I fear for your soul. —Your trusted Counselor, Hervé LeGall

Letter from creditor

Our ruse is a success! None of the gambling party suspects you because they believe you lost everything as well! Your secret bank account is overflowing, you need never have any financial worries my friend! —Your "Creditor" Marc-André

  • Religious objects – Numerous crucifixes, rosaries, prayer books as well as strings of garlic. Apparently intended to ward off evil spirits.

Suicide note

Dear mother, if you find this it means I am no longer among the living. The relentless noises and apparitions of the phantom are slowly driving me out of my senses. I see red everywhere, even in my dreams. Dear Mother, it is for the best, I must put an end to my misery.

Von Glück Mansion[]

  • Empty bottles – Many empty schnapps bottles.
  • Report – A report from a private detective who confirms von Glück's suspicions concerning his wife.
  • Statement of Brigitta von Glück – Brigitta von Glück (wife of Friedrich): Acknowledged that her husband is jealous, but defended him.
  • Statement of Herr Friedrich von Glück – Friedrich von Glück (husband of Brigitta): Refused to speak with me.


Apothecary Shop[]

  • M. Durand (Apothecary): Yes, I made that elixir. It's just a few herbs tossed together to make something that stinks. A wealthy fellow, Beaudoin, came in. Wanted something to keep spirits away. I told him he was a fool, but he paid well enough for me to concoct this.

Gambling Den[]

  • Marc André (Creditor to victim): I don't care! You owe me!
  • Man: But I have no money! Please!
  • Marc André: Shut up while I beat you to a bloody pulp!
  • M. Sagne (card player): It couldn't have been Beaudoin who cheated, he lost everything. I've seen the papers, his bank is furious! He owes his creditor thousands! Someone was cheating, but who?


  • Third Valet (Works for the Ministry of Finance): We just now heard a shot! We all ran to find out what happened. I believe it was the red ghost. A few nights ago, I saw the ghost myself! I turned a corner and saw him disappear right through this door. Dressed in red with an unutterably horrific expression!
  • Counselor Hervé LeGall (Assistant to the victim): My name is LeGall, Counselor to Director of Finance Beaudoin. He locked himself in his office well over a day ago. For some weeks he's been in a state of agitation. It's very sad that it ended this way.
  • Second Valet (Works for the Ministry of Finance): The legend must be true! Long ago a Bavarian murderer was executed nearby, and his red ghost has haunted this palace to this day! Have you seen the painting? It appeared from nowhere just yesterday.
  • First Valet (Works for the Ministry of Finance): I've actually overheard many very ghostly noises and even the ghost speaking! Through that very door, Beaudoin alone in the room and the ghost speaking with a terrifying accent. I heard this several times.

Von Glück Mansion[]

  • Frau Brigitta von Glück (Wife of Friedrich and acquaintance of the victim): My husband can be very, very jealous, but he isn't the sort of man to kill anyone!
  • Herr Friedrich von Glück (Husband of Brigitta and acquaintance of the victim): I do not answer to members of the working class.



The murderer was Counselor Hervé LeGall, assistant to the victim, and successor to the position of Minister of Finance at the Tuileries Palace.

Case Summary

Citizen Beaudoin was goaded into suicide by Counselor LeGall. LeGall wanted to take Beaudoin's position and, as he happened to be a descendent of the man who started the Red Ghost legend, used the tricks and gimmicks of his ancestors to serve his own purposes. Von Glück had motive to kill Beaudoin, but he was too drunk to take action. Beaudoin's creditor was in fact working with Beaudoin in a scheme to cheat others.


Behind the Scenes[]

The painting of the Red Ghost in Beaudoin's office is the real painting "Portrait of a Gentleman of the English Court", 1546, by the Flemish painter Hans Eworth.


Assassin's Creed: Unity memories
Main memories
The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay
Sequence 1
Memories of Versailles - The Estates General - High Society
Sequence 2
Imprisoned - Rebirth
Sequence 3
Graduation - Confession - Fin de Siecle
Sequence 4
The Kingdom of Beggars - Le Roi Est Mort
Sequence 5
The Silversmith - La Halle aux Blés - The Prophet
Sequence 6
The Jacobin Club - Templar Ambush
Sequence 7
A Cautious Alliance - Meeting with Mirabeau - Confrontation - The Resistance
Sequence 8
The King's Correspondence - September Massacres
Sequence 9
Starving Times - Hoarders - The Escape
Sequence 10
A Dinner Engagement - The Execution
Sequence 11
Bottom of the Barrel - Rise of the Assassin - The Bastille
Sequence 12
The Supreme Being - The Fall of Robespierre - The Temple
Cooperative missions
Women's March - The Food Chain - The Austrian Conspiracy - Political Persecution - The Tournament - Heads Will Roll - Les Enragés - Danton's Sacrifice - Moving Mirabeau - Jacobin Raid - The Infernal Machine
Tithing Templars - Catacomb Raider - The Party Palace - Royals, Guns and Money - Smuggler's Paradise - Ancient History - It Belongs in a Museum
Paris stories
Tall, Dark Strangers - Flamel's Secret: The Monks - Flamel's Secret: Denis Molinier - Flamel's Secret: The Elixir of Life - Using the Ol' Noggins - Waxworks - Sewer Rat - À la Lanterne! - The Great Escapist - Critical Comedown - Scene Stealer - Devilishly Tricky - My Kingdom For Some Whores - De Sade's Reprieve - Sadistic Blackmail - The Cult of Baphomet - The Ritual of Baphomet - La Bande Noire - Iscariotte, the Giant - Headlining the Guillotine - A Fistful of Duelers - The League of the Crimson Rose - Return of the Crimson Rose - Crimson Sunset - Flying Boy - Carmalite Nuns - Stop the Presses! - Encyclopédie Diderot - Désirée Desired - Désirée Dismayed - Désirée Delighted - French Crown Jewels - Coat of Arms - Swiss Stash - Vicious Verses - Arm the People - "Escort" Mission - Cassini's Constellations - The Condorcet Method - A Romantic Stroll - Signaling Officer Murat - A Nice Chappe - Precious Correspondence - Constructing a "Close Shave" - Up in Arms - Marianne Returns Home - The Little Prince - Turtle, Snake, Bear, Paper, Scissors - Tapestry Thief - Cartouche's Memoirs
Café Théâtre missions
Explore the Café Théâtre - Auto-Da-Fé - Colette - Damsel in Seamstress - The Queen's Necklace - Foxy Renard
Social Club missions
Bridge Brigands - Marat's Missive - Let Them Eat Hay - Cat Food on a Hot Tin Roof - Hoarding Hostages - Café Procope - Roux's Remains - An Engaging Egyptologist - Artful Dodger - A Dramatic Exit - Breaking the Habit - Extortion Contortion - Chouan Riddles - Bara's Funeral - Retribution for a Rabble-Rouser - The Black Office - Betrayer of the Queen - Spiked Bourbon - Special Delivery - Smoky Yet Robust
Murder mysteries
Murder Foretold - Barber of Seville - The Body in the Brothel - Ancestral Vengeance - The Body Politic - Bones of Contention - The Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat - Hot Chocolate to Die For - The Hand of Science - The Decapitated Warden - The Death of Philibert Aspairt - The Red Ghost of the Tuileries - Cut the Middle Man - A Dash of Poison
Nostradamus Enigmas
Mercurius - Venus - Terra - Mars - Jupiter - Saturnus - Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Virgo - Leo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces
American Prisoner - The Chemical Revolution - Killed by Science
Dead Kings
Sequence 13
Buried Words - The Book Thief - A Shadow from the Past - Raising the Dead - Under Lock and Key - A Crown of Thorns
Cooperative and heist missions
Last Rites - Holy High Rollers
Stories of Franciade
Last Will - A Royal Hide - The Unopened Rose - The Eyes of the King
Murder mysteries
Blind Justice - Equal Justice
Suger's Legacy
I - Nativitatis Et Mortis - II - Morbum - III - Diabolus - IV - Natura - V - Crux - VI - Noctis - VII - Dies