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Sic Semper Tyrannis was a virtual representation of one of Bayek's genetic memories, relived by Layla Hassan in 2017 through the Portable Animus HR-8.


Bayek and Amunet set out to confront Rufio on his octareme and cut the head off of the Roman Order of the Ancients.


After mourning the death of Tahira, Bayek spoke to Kashta.

  • Kashta: I will honor you properly, great Tahira. Lay you to rest with your blades on a bed of heron feathers.

Bayek turned to speak to Amunet.

  • Amunet: Tahira's death sends a clear message, we must eliminate Rufio. The brotherhood in Sinai is on the brink of extinction.
  • Bayek: Did he land at the Quarry?
  • Amunet: No, at Arsinoe. He is most likely lingering on his octareme.
ACO THO Sic Semper Tyrannis 01

Rufio reflecting on the lost of his lieutenants

A vision of Rufio in his octareme was shown. In the vision, a soldier handed Rufio a letter, informing him of the deaths of his lieutenants.

  • Amunet: He is a master at guarding himself, and cutting true fear into the heart of a people.

Rufio read the letter and threw it on the table.

  • Rufio: Where my lieutenants have failed I will not. I won't set foot on that cursed peninsula of savages, but they will bow to me.

Rufio sent his soldier away. Back in the present, Bayek followed Amunet, climbing onto horses. They made their away to Arsinoe.

  • Bayek: So is Rome chaos, or is the triumvirate bringing peace?
  • Amunet: Rome is a cracked wall, run by a drunk, a lunatic, and the leader of the Order. Octavian scares us all. Rufio left from under my watch, and I caught word of what happened at the bureau. But there are good souls too in Rome. What of Memphis?
  • Bayek: The Hidden Ones are fine. But with no clear pharaoh, we are lost. I worry our temples have been sold away. And then, there is Cleopatra.
  • Amunet: She has brought prosperity to Alexandria. This I cannot deny. It is her lover's army that bothers us now. Marc Antony bears the same stench of tyranny that Caesar did.
  • Bayek: Rufio carries this same odor.
  • Amunet: Yes, to the Sinai. Which is why we must be the welcoming party...
  • Bayek: ...of fire and blood.
  • Amunet: We did not choose this path. It chose us.

Amunet and Bayek arrived at the city, discovering it in flames and citizens fleeing.

  • Woman: Bayek! Bayek! Quick you must help us, the village is being attacked!
  • Bayek: By Amun, how do they know my name?
  • Woman: Gamilat speaks of the hero from Siwa, the great warrior with the eagle.

They left the horses and engaged the Roman forces.

  • Roman Soldier: Dirty Nabateans! Do not stand in Rome's way!
  • Amunet: This is a bloody massacre.
  • Bayek: Defend the Nabateans!
  • Amunet: This is madness! Why are they killing civilians?
  • Bayek: Something is not right.

Amunet and Bayek eliminated the soldiers.

  • Bayek: The battle is done. Now I should kill the man who sent these soldiers, Rufio.

Bayek rode a boat and sailed towards Rufio's fleet. Aboard the general's ship, he read the correspondence from the vision.

Letter from Jibade

Salutations, General Rufio.

We are assembling a considerable force as per your instructions. I write for assurance from you concerning Marc Antony and Cleopatra. Their liaison is the topic of much conjecture here in Egypt (as I'm sure it is in Rome). Can Antony in fact guide the policy of Cleopatra? And not, as many fear, the reverse: continually be led by her? We were heartened by his marriage to Octavian's sister. However, the marriage does not appear to have quelled his passion for Cleopatra in the least! Enough gossip. I remain committed to you and your project,

Letter from Marc Antony


Please show greater deference when corresponding with Cleopatra. Must I remind you that she is the Queen of Egypt and must be treated as such? I appreciate your efforts to bring Caesar's systemic order to this mystical land, but I cannot have you openly defying her. Heretofore, please pass all correspondence through me for approval.
Marcus Antonius

  • Rufio: Where is my wine?
    Don't forget to feed my lion, if he is hungry, I will make you his meal!
    I cannot believe Tacito and Ampelius failed me. In Ptahmose's case I expected it, that Egyptian piece of shit.

Bayek eventually took control of the ballistae lining the upper masts. He invoked the Egyptian gods with every bolt he fired into the Roman soldiers.

  • Bayek: Let death shine on you.
    Sekhmet guide my arrows.
    Let Sobek fly like the many.
    Oh great Mut, work within me.
    Anubis awaits.'
    By Amun I fire!
    By the rays of Ra!
    By the power of Horus.

With the Roman forces decimated, he made his move against Rufio.

  • Bayek: This is for Tahira!
  • Rufio: You will not break me down!
  • Bayek: Shut your mouth, Rufio.
  • Rufio: You are not a man at all! Less than a fly! The Hidden Ones are dead!
  • Bayek: Your Order will crumble!
ACO THO Sic Semper Tyrannis 02

Bayek kneeling over Rufio's body

Bayek defeated and killed Rufio. The Mentor knelt in front the dead Ancient's body. Before Bayek could put the feather onto Rufio's head, a hallucination of Rufio interrupted and appeared behind him.

  • Rufio: Why have you broken my plans?
  • Bayek: The Hidden Ones will never allow the Order of Ancients room to breathe.
  • Rufio: So it is true, the Hidden Ones exist.
  • Bayek: We thrive.
  • Rufio: Strange that you want the same things we want: peace, order. And, yet our ideas will survive. You could kill me but you cannot kill us.

Apparitions of the Order of the Ancients appeared behind Rufio.

  • Rufio: Caesar built a strong order before he was stabbed in the back by your cowardly wife.
  • Bayek: Our power burns in the shadows.
  • Rufio: And we create those shadows.

Bayek angrily swept the feather across Rufio's body, sending him to the Duat.

  • Bayek: May the Hidden Ones bury you. Anubis awaits.

With the hallucination ended, Bayek reflected on his victory.

  • Bayek: Rufio is dead, I should tell Amunet, she will be pleased.


Bayek assassinated Rufio, thus ending the Order of the Ancients' influence in the Sinai.


  • Sic Semper Tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning "Thus always to tyrants", which suggest that bad outcomes will or should befall tyrants. The phrase was used by Templar agent John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated Abraham Lincoln.



Assassin's Creed: Origins memories
Main Quests
The Heron Assassination - Homecoming - The Oasis - The False Oracle - May Amun Walk Beside You - Aya - Gennadios the Phylakitai - End of the Snake - Egypt's Medjay - The Scarab's Sting - The Scarab's Lies - Pompeius Magnus - The Hyena - The Lizard's Mask - The Lizard's Face - The Crocodile's Scales - The Crocodile's Jaws - Way of the Gabiniani - Aya: Blade of the Goddess - The Battle of the Nile - The Aftermath - The Final Weighing - Last of the Medjay - Fall of an Empire, Rise of Another - Birth of the Creed
Side Quests
A Gift from the Gods - Incoming Threat - Here Comes a New Challenger - Phylakes' Prey - Lights Among the Dunes - Secrets of the First Pyramids
Gear Up - Family Reunion - Water Rats - Hideaway - Striking the Anvil - The Healer - Prisoners in the Temple - Bayek's Promise
Lake Mareotis
Hidden Tax - The Book of the Dead - Ambush in the Temple - Ulterior Votive - Lady of Slaughter - Birthright - Taste of her Sting
The Accidental Philosopher - The Last Bodyguard - Higher Education - Serapis Unites - A Tithe By Any Other Name - The Shifty Scribe - The Odyssey - Wrath of the Poets - Symposiasts - Phylakitai in the Eye - Cat's Cradle
Old Times - Wild Ride - Blue Hooligans - The Weasel - The Hungry River
Sap-Meh Nome
In Protest - Thick Skin - Fair Trade
Sapi-Res Nome
Conflicts of Interest - Smoke Over Water - All Eyes on Us - Lost Happiness - Abuse of Power - The Tax Master - The Ostrich - New Kid in Town - Worker's Lament - The Old Library
The Planetarium - Precious Bonds - What's Yours Is Mine - A Gift from the Gods
A Dream of Ashes - Blood in the Water - Odor Most Foul - Children of the Streets - Taimhotep's Song - The Baker's Dilemma - Mortem Romanum
Saqqara Nome
Rites of Anubis - First Blood - When Night Falls - A Rebel Alliance
Murder in the Temple - Feeding Faiyum - Curse of Wadjet - Rebel Strike - The Bride - Sobek's Gold - Forging Siwa - The Sickness - Fires of Dionysias - Demons in the Desert
Faiyum Oasis
The Champion - The Man Beast - Sobek's Tears - The Jaws of Sobek - Bad Faith - Shadya's Rest - Fighting for Faiyum
Herakleion Nome
Recon Work - Loose Cargo - Reunion - Predator to Prey
Uab Nome
Seven Farmers
Atef-Pehu Nome
The Matriarch
Green Mountains
Unseeing Eyes - One Bad Apple - The Good Roman - Playing with Fire - Taking Liberty - Halo of the Huntress - Carpe Diem - Shadows of Apollo
His Secret Service
The Flea of Cyrene - The Lure of Glory - The Mousetrap - Founding Father - Pax Romana - Cat and Mouse - Absolute Power - Are You Not Entertained? - The Smugglers of Cyrene - Dead in the Water - My Brother for a Horse - Here Comes a New Challenger
Isolated Desert
Plight of the Rebels
Event Quests
Antique Trafficking - Bandit Raid - Control Nuisance - Gather Materials - Lost and Found - Missing Worker - Stolen Goods - Recover the Merchandise
Ambush At Sea - Secrets of the First Pyramids
The Hidden Ones
Main Quests
The Hidden Ones - The Land of Turquoise - Where the Slaves Die - The Walls of the Ruler - The Setting Sun - No Chains Too Thick - Sic Semper Tyrannis - The Greater Good
Side Quests
Klysma Nome
Rise of Shaqilat - Howls of the Dead - The Ballad of Si-Mut and Gertha - The Killer Shadow - Shadows of the Scarab
Madiama Nome
Respect Thy Brother
Arsinoe Nome
Shards from a Star
The Curse of the Pharaohs
Main Quests
The Curse of the Pharaohs - No Honor Amongst Thebes - The Lady of Grace - Cleansing Rite - Something Rotten - Soured Libations - Aten Rising - The Heretic - Blood in the Water - The King of Kings - A Pharaoh's Shadow - A Pharaoh's Heart and Name - A Pharaoh's Hemset - A Pharaoh's Ka
Side Quests
The Theban Triad - Master of the Secret Things - Perchance to Dream
Theban Necropolis
Burnt Offerings - A Sister's Vow - Idol Hands - Drowned Tools - A Motherless Child - Unfair Trade
Thebes Nome
Crocodile Tears - National Treasures
Yebu Nome
Losers Weepers - Fish Out Of Water - Laid to Rest
Love or Duty
Gods or Creed - The Cat - The Ibis - The Hawk
Heb Sed
Follower or Leader
Shield or Blade - A Necessary Evil - Khepri's Amulet - The God's Spark