Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
This article is about Fabiola Cavazza. You may be looking for her counterpart, Fiora Cavazza.
Acb mp r 01 courtesan

Fabiola Cavazza

Fabiola Cavazza was a courtesan in Constantinople during the early 16th century who was born into the Templar Order. She wielded a bladed fan as a weapon, complete with blue etchings.

In 2012, her genetic memories were used as an Animi Avatar by the Templar company Abstergo Industries, for the training of their Animus recruits, under the title of the Courtesan.


  • Though she shares her family name with both Luciano Cavazza and Fiora Cavazza, the relation between the three remains unclear.
  • Apart from a slightly different fan, she looks identical to Fiora Cavazza.
  • Fabiola wears clothing identical to Fiora's elite gear the only minor differences are the lack of a mask.
  • Fabiola is ultimately derived from Latin faba ("bean") via Fabius and Fabia.


