Assassin's Creed Wiki
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PL ArtisanHQ Patience, brothers. Soon we will reveal the secrets of Assassin's Creed: ValhallaThe Forgotten Saga.

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"Not all dreamers speak, and fewer yet speak clearly."
―Everold to Eivor upon seeing Valka[src]-[m]

Everold was a Norse artisan who lived in the settlement of Ravensthorpe during the 9th century.

Everold transcribed events recounted by the jarlskona Eivor Varinsdottir in her fugue state into a prose story that would be known as The Forgotten Saga, the stanzas of which recounted the Norse god Odin's adventures through Niflheimr as he tried to free his dead son Baldr from the clutches of Hel.

Behind the scenes[]

Everold shares the body model of dwarves from Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's downloadable expansion Dawn of Ragnarök and is described to be like a dwarf in his database entry, yet no reason is given for these similarities.



