Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Edward, better known by his self-proclaimed title Sir Edward, Earl of Westerna, was an Anglo-Saxon man active in the late 9th century. He was an ally to the Order of the Ancients member Makira.


Originally hailing from Westerna but having been granted lands further east where a military camp and later Ravensthorpe would stand, Edward was known for his anger at all Vikings and especially the Raven Clan. At some point in the late 9th century, Edward and his men managed to take over Ravensburg and used the fort as their base of operations.[1]

Once Makira came to England, she used Edward's anger at the Vikings to manipulate him into furthering her own plans. The Order member paid to improve Ravensburg's defenses and convinced Edward to hire mercenaries to steal the Raven Clan's gear and launch raids with it to frame them. In exchange for any documents recovered by Edward's men, Makira allowed the earl to keep all looted gold and silver, which he eventually hoped to use to recover his lands and power.[1]

When the Hidden One Roshan, who was tracking Makira, followed her to England, she learned of her and Edward's scheme and later ran into Eivor Varinsdottir, who was coincidentally investigating the imposters tarnishing the Raven Clan's reputation. After Roshan explained that Edward was responsible, Eivor infiltrated Ravensburg and assassinated the earl as he was rallying his men for another venture.[1]



