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ACO CotP Duat

The Duat

The Duat, the Realm of the Dead, was an aspect of the Egyptian afterlife.

It was in the Duat that the recently deceased had their heart weighed against a feather of Ma'at by Osiris or Anubis, depending on the historical period and region. Those whose hearts were deemed to be pure were allowed to pass on to the heavenly paradise of Aaru or Aten, depending on which religion the person followed; however, for those whose hearts were deemed to be impure, Ammit, the "devourer of the dead", would consume the heart and the ones undergoing judgement would be denied from continuing their voyage into the afterlife.


Around 34 BCE, the Mentor of the Hidden Ones in Egypt, Bayek of Siwa, seemingly traveled to the Duat in order to combat the disembodied spirit of Tutankhamun, which had been returned to the world of the living thanks to the Curse of the Pharaohs that was plaguing the city of Thebes.[1]


  • In Egyptian mythology Ra, the sun god battled the great serpent Apep every night within the Duat, in order to ensure the sun would rise again on the mortal realm the next morning.


