Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
PL Truth SeekerHQ I wanted to ask you something. Which is… what's your name?

The title of this article is conjecture. Although the subject of this article is canon, no official name for it has been given.


Drakon's Training Site

The Drakon's Training Site was the dilapidated small stage and campsite of the athlete and champion of Boeotia Drakon within Cursed Land of Oedipous in Boeotia, Greece.

Though Drakon tended to spend his days and night at the Gymnasium of Thebes, there were times when he left to "perform at the training ground," as his paramour Melanippos put it.[1]

At the order of the Spartan polemarch Stentor, the misthios Kassandra hunted down Drakon and killed him at the training site.[2]





  1. Assassin's Creed: OdysseyBrewing Love
  2. Assassin's Creed: OdysseyThe End of Drakon