Delta Team is a paramilitary task force employed by Abstergo Industries for the purposes of executing clandestine operations. Originally led by both the operative Theodore Rizzo and Master Templar Daniel Cross, Delta Team was created to capture Desmond Miles and his Assassin cell at the airport in Florence, Italy.
However, they were ambushed by Assassins commanded by Harlan Cunningham sent to backup Desmond's team. Daniel tried to make a run for them nonetheless, but Desmond used the Apple of Eden to bend him on his knees and turn him on his allies taking out Delta 2, Delta 3 and Rizzo.[1]
During a November 2013 conversation with Laetitia England in Philadelphia, the Master Templar Juhani Otso Berg recommended that Delta Team take over the hunt for Pieces of Eden that had been assigned to his personal squad of Sigma Team. Despite reasoning that using Sigma to fulfill the goals of the Phoenix Project was a waste of time and resources, as well as a tactical mistake by giving the Assassins time to regroup after Desmond's death, Laetitia denied his request.[2]
The team was still active by 2015, as they had been deployed to the United Kingdom in search of the Assassins responsible for killing the Inner Sanctum member Isabelle Ardant.[3]
- Assassin's Creed: Initiates (first appearance)
- Assassin's Creed: Rogue (mentioned only)
- Assassin's Creed: Syndicate – Jack the Ripper (mentioned in Database entry only)
- ↑ Assassin's Creed: Initiates – The Desmond Files
- ↑ Assassin's Creed: Rogue – Numbskull's personal files: "The Phoenix Project: New Orders"
- ↑ Assassin's Creed: Syndicate – Jack the Ripper – Database: Assassin Intel 2