Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Wandering Mercenary

Tosca Yayal-Ricci was born in 1470 as Tosca Ricci, in a small town near Florence, Italy. Tosca was a self-taught swordsman and tinkerer who dedicated her life to developing her craft. As a young woman, she quickly made a name for herself as a mercenary due to her impressive skills and brutality in combat.

In 1490, Tosca met an aspiring dancer by the name of Sofia Yayal. In awe of Sofia's talents and beauty, she befriended Sofia and the two became inseparable. Roughly two years later, Sofia was killed after getting caught in a dispute between a Templar Lord and a young boy. Devastated by the loss of her partner, Tosca took Sofia's namesake and began to hunt and kill every Templar she could find.

Tosca was eventually found by the Brotherhood, who taught her the art of assassination and redirected her anger towards protecting the innocent. With her expertise in swordsmanship and newly acquired skills bestowed upon her by the Brotherhood, she became known as Tosca Yayal-Ricci, the wandering mercenary of Florence.
