Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACUDB - Journal de Paris

New decrees from the National Assembly! Many a hateful law has been abolished, from Seigneurial Courts, Game Rights, and the buying of Magisterial positions, to immunities from taxation and undeserved pensions... they vow more is to come!


Our brilliant Citizen scientists, Laplace, Condorcet, Borda and Lavoisier, will publish a serialized introduction to, and defense of, the proposed metric system, coming soon in the Journal de Paris.


La Bande Noire: Dubious Auctions. Going, going! A private auction will be held at 12 de la rue de Buci on the 14th of Messidor. In dire need of sturdy wood and stones to repair your abode or a baptismal font to remember the old ways? Knock 4 times ask for Flavien. No question as to the provenance will be answered.


Mme Tussaud's Peculiar Skill. The extraordinary Marie Tussaud is able to fashion life-like figures out of mere wax! You would swear her artworks were about to breathe - although many of her models have breathed their last.
