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This article is about the state religion. You may be looking for the memory of Arno Dorian.
ACU The Supreme Being 2

The Festival of the Supreme Being

The Cult of the Supreme Being was a religious organization founded by the Parisian Templar Maximilien de Robespierre.

Religious tenets

The Cult of the Supreme Being is founded on Deism, the religious belief of the Templar Order, which espoused that:

  1. There is a Supreme Being who created all in existence.
  2. The Supreme Being has left the world to govern itself with the natural laws it has set up.
  3. The Supreme Being has given the people the power to govern themselves using rationality, virtue and truth as well as scientific reasoning.

According to the French Templar Élise de la Serre, the cult's celebration of the republic and its citizens' duty towards it was a very loose interpretation of Templar doctrine.[1]


This newly founded deist belief system was created by Maximilien de Robespierre during the French Revolution, who intended for it to become France's state religion. Adherents believed that the Supreme Being created the world, but then left it to govern itself by natural laws, virtue, and truth.

On 8 June 1794, Robespierre hosted a festival honoring the Supreme Being at the Champ de Mars. Élise and the French Assassin Arno Dorian used the occasion to publicly discredit Robespierre, poisoning him with powdered ergot to make him appear insane and leaking lists of enemies that the revolutionary leader intended to execute.[1]

The Cult was then banned from public in 1802 when Napoleon Bonaparte outlawed its practice.[2]



