This article is about the memory of Ratonhnhaké:ton. You may be looking for an alternate use of the word. |
Consequences was a visual representation of Ratonhnhaké:ton's genetic memories from an Apple of Eden-induced reality.
Ratonhnhaké:ton believed he had assassinated Benjamin Franklin, however, discovered it was an illusion brought about by the Apple of Eden used by George Washington.
Ratonhnhaké:ton assassinated Benjamin Franklin who opened his eyes. He began to speak as Ratonhnhaké:ton knelt down next to him.
- Franklin: You!? And where ...? I ... I don't understand. Who am I?
- Ratonhnhaké:ton: Why did Arnold say that you could help me?
- Franklin: Is this me? It is! This is myself! I've, I've come to myself! ... My god, what have I done?
Washington teleported in using the Apple.
- Washington: I don't care for those who meddle in my plans.
Washington fired an energy blast with the Apple.
- Washington: Recoil before my vast power.
Get thee hence!
Back! You miserable wretch!
Ratonhnhaké:ton was thrown back. Washington readied another blast.
- Washington: I will send you back to hell!
Ratonhnhaké:ton avoided the blast and attacked Washington using Eagle Flight.
- Washington: What black magic is this?
After enduring a few punches, Washington forcefully repelled Ratonhnhaké:ton using the Apple.
- Washington: You cannot reach me!
Ratonhnhaké:ton once again struck Washington using Eagle Flight, following which Washington repelled him once more.
- Washington: Another magician's trick!
Washington summoned glowing orbs of light which prevented subsequent frontal assaults with Eagle Flight. He subsequently renewed his assault on Ratonhnhaké:ton.
- Washington: Here is the heat of my anger!
Burn by divine fire!
Behold the searing light!
See the light!
Ratonhnhaké:ton used Wolf Cloak to sneak past the orbs.
- Washington: What?! Where are you?
Ratonhnhaké:ton attempted to attack Washington once more.
- Washington: Welcome back.
Ratonhnhaké:ton used Wolf Cloak once more.
- Washington: Clever trick.
Any other tricks?
Ratonhnhaké:ton attacked Washington, following which Washington used the Apple to make the ground beneath Ratonhnhaké:ton's feet collapse.
- Washington: Behold! He returns to light!
Ratonhnhaké:ton found himself on a floating platform. He used Eagle Flight to traverse from one platform to another, while enormous phantoms of Washington and Kaniehtí:io began to torment him.
- Washington: Escape! Escape as best you can!
- Kaniehtí:io Why did you disobey me, my son?!
- Washington: Your mother cannot help you now.
- Kaniehtí:io I wanted to protect you.
- Washington: You failed to save your village. You failed to save your mother.
- Kaniehtí:io Never again, Ratonhnhaké:ton!
- Washington: It's all falling away, falling away, falling away!
The final platform collapsed and Ratonhnhaké:ton fell into the darkness. Ratonhnhaké:ton lay on his right side, unconscious. Kanen'tó:kon knelt next to him and spoke, startling him awake.
- Kanen'tó:kon: Ratonhnhaké:ton! What happened?
Ratonhnhaké:ton sat up and looked around quickly.
- Ratonhnhaké:ton: I had him! I had Franklin! Then ... Washington ... I ... I do not know.
- Kanen'tó:kon: Washington?
- Ratonhnhaké:ton: Maybe I don't have to free Franklin from a prison. I have to free him from Washington's power.
Ratonhnhaké:ton brought himself up to one knee. Then a man approached them revealing himself to be Samuel Adams.
- Adams: Young man, do you need a doctor?
Ratonhnhaké:ton shook hands with Adams, with the latter helping him back to his feet.
- Kanen'tó:kon: I found an ally, Ratonhnhaké:ton.
- Ratonhnhaké:ton: Samuel Adams!
- Adams: Ah! Do I know you?
Kanen'tó:kon watched the two converse briefly before turning around to survey the area.
- Ratonhnhaké:ton: I ... I know of you, sir.
- Adams: Ah... you are the famous man with the wolf hood.
- Ratonhnhaké:ton: I admire the work you have done, and are doing now.
- Adams: We fight, but times are hard. We can use your assistance.
Kanen'tó:kon turned back to the two.
- Kanen'tó:kon: Come Ratonhnhaké:ton, we should all get out of here. We have a place that is safe.
Kanen'tó:kon and Adams departed to the safehouse.
Ratonhnhaké:ton escaped the illusion after defeating King Washington.