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Citizen E was a virtual representation of one of Aveline de Grandpré's genetic memories relived through the Animus Console.


Aveline triggered an Erudito hack, causing the Animus to reveal information that wasn't supposed to be seen.


After Aveline had assassinated Baptiste, Erudito's voice echoed.

  • Erudito: Here is something they didn't want you to know. I will help you uncover the truth. A missing piece of the puzzle.

Guided to a Citizen E, Aveline killed him and triggered an Erudito hack.

  • Erudito: Abstergo thinks it can stick "Entertainment" on the end of its name and you'll stop caring about the TRUTH. I hope they're wrong, so I've HACKED the truth back in. But you're going to have to work for it. Citizen E can be anywhere. When you see one, chase it down. The truth will come out in an EXTENDED SCENE. If I have time, I may leave you some other clues too. LOOK FOR THEM!

The extended scene of conversation between Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer and Baptiste played.

  • Baptiste: —the nobles of New Orleans shall perish by poison, and the slaves shall be avenged. My mentor's work will be complete.
  • Rafael: And control of the river will fall to those who know what to do with it.
  • Baptiste: Then I will be inducted into the Templar Order.
  • Rafael: As agreed. If you make good on your word.
  • Baptiste: Fear not, señor. I was trained by—
  • Rafael: I know only too well who your master was, Baptiste. Just remember where your loyalties lie.
  • Baptiste: I shall not fail you.
  • Rafael: See that you don't.
  • Baptiste: My faithful Acolytes, stand ready! The time of our ritual is now!


Erudito allowed everyone to see the information Abstergo tried to keep secret.



Assassin's Creed III: Liberation memories
Main memories
Sequence 1
Only a Nightmare - New Orleans by Night - A Slave in Trouble - The Safe House - Taking Care of Business -
Father's Troubles - The Key to the Problem - The Colony's Good - The Escape
Sequence 2
The Loas Guide You - The False Mackandal - Meet the Smugglers - A Faithful Acolyte - The Second Camp -
Eve of Saint John - The Whole Truth
Sequence 3
At the Pub - Prélude to Rebellion - Elegant and Deadly - Vanishing Slaves - Storming the Fort - In Vino Veritas -
Getting Ulloa's Attention - A Governor No More
Sequence 4
Southbound - A New Life - Gathering Tools - The Company Man - Trail of Truth - The Secret of the Cenote
Sequence 5
Prodigal Daughter - Rotten Barracks - Power of Voodoo - The Lighthouse - Stolen Goods
Sequence 6
Return to Mexico
Sequence 7
An Urgent Favor - Supplying the Revolution - The Last Dance
Sequence 8
A Fool's Errand - Connor's Way
Sequence 9
Abandoning Pretense - Confronting Agaté - Reconciliation - Erudito
Citizen E
Citizen E (1) - Citizen E (2) - Citizen E (3) - Citizen E (4) - Citizen E (5)
Business rival
M. Ratel's Merchants - M. Salmon's Ships - M. Reynaud's Bypass - M. de Vandal's Harbor - M. Marcantell's Materials - M. Chapperon's Textiles - M. de Chevallier's Weapons
Ship crew
Mistress and Commander - The Cannon - Before the Mast
Free slaves
A Family Divided - Earthly Belongings - A New Recruit
Helping Hand - The Case - Hot Trail - Witness Protection - The Culprit
Delayed Justice - The Snitch - Free Delivery - Safe Passage - Pigeon Hunt
The Plot
Barely Made It - Payback - Breadcrumbs - Bon Voyage - Old Friend
Citizen missions
Bayou Fever - Mapping the Bayou - Secret Stash