The Château Aarden was a castle and manor situated in Brussels, Belgium and worked as a base to the Austrian Templar Countess Konstanze von Visler.
In 1870, the Austrian Templar Konstanze von Visler requested the British Assassin Simeon Price to meet her at the château to talk about the events that transpired and her recent reluctance working with the Templars. Waiting, Konstanze realized Price broke into the château and invited him to talk about his role in the war between France and Prussia. However, Simeon demanded Ada Lovelace's notebook and informed her of his knowledge about the Engine of History. Wanting a truce, Konstanze offered the book back and a temporary alliance to learn about the Assassins' mission and objective. Simeon cautiously agreed to the truce and then informed Master Assassin Michel Moulin and his apprentice Pierrette Arnaud, who understood and warned him to be careful.[1]
In January 1871, both Simeon and Konstanze continued to have their meetings about their creeds but before her meetings with other fellow Templars in the château. Hosted by its butler Lambert, Simeon and Konstanze talked about France's new Third Republic and the new Committee of Public Safety. Although thrilled to meet with King Leopold II about ending the war in Belgium, she grew concerned of Paris' new inner turmoil between government and regime ideals. For the next two years, they begin to learn about each other and grew comfortable around one another.[2]
However, in the summer of 1873, while Simeon waited for Konstanze in front of the château, Lambert tried to kill him before the meeting. However, Simeon managed to kill the butler before aiming his revolver at an incoming Konstanze. She explained that her Templar colleagues grew tired of their truce and probably ordered his death. Before he could leave in frustration, Simeon was grabbed and kissed by the countess. Perplexed, Simeon stayed the night with the countess. The next morning, he woke up only to be told to hide by von Visler due to her meeting with three Templars. Initially eavesdropping on her meeting, he was soon met by a passioniate Konstanze, who kissed and caressed him again. Leaving in the afternoon, Simeon remained conflicted while going to meet with Egyptian Assassin Gamal Sabry over his current truce with Konstanze.[3]
- ↑ Assassin's Creed: The Engine of History – The Resurrection Plot – Chapter 19
- ↑ Assassin's Creed: The Engine of History – The Resurrection Plot – Chapter 20
- ↑ Assassin's Creed: The Engine of History – The Resurrection Plot – Chapter 21