Blood and Shadows was a virtual representation of one of Basim Ibn Ishaq's genetic memories relived through the Animus.
Basim arrived at the Sharqiyah bureau to look for Fuladh.
As Basim approached the door to the Sharqiyah Bureau, he overheard an argument.
- Ali: They took them in broad daylight and executed them! They will die for this, every one of them! It is time we fight!
- Fuladh: Your anger is just, but you will not win a war, Ali.
Basim entered the bureau.
- Fuladh: Basim! Good, you are needed. Mercenaries have taken some rebels and executed them in the square.
- Ali: And your Rafiq would have me hide like a rat while they hunt my men openly.
- Beshi: We must at least return the dead to their families.
- Ali: Do you still fear to fight these devils, Beshi?
- Beshi: My only fear is that we become like them.
- Fuladh: There is more to this than it seems. The Caliph would not risk war. This is the work of the Order.
- Ali: Then I will find those responsible, and slaugther them like dogs.
- Fuladh: The Order will find you first. It's likely they are looking for you and Beshi already. You are well known to them. Basim, however...
- Basim: Ali, I will find who did this, and I will kill them all. You have my word.
- Fuladh: Basim is right. Let him do this. When those responsible lie dead, you will receive the credit.
- Ali: All right. Everyone must know it was me. I will return to Jarjaraya, but I will not wait long. I will meet you at the gate, Basim.
Ali took his leave.
- Beshi: And I will make sure the bodies are returned to their families for burial.
Beshi followed suit as well.
- Fuladh: That might have gone badly.
- Basim: You think this is the work of the Order?
- Fuladh: Yes. As you know, Sharqiyah is run by Turkic mercenaries paid by the Caliph, who himself is only a puppet for the Order. Spies tell me at least one of the mercenary commanders in Sharqiyah is with them.
- Basim: Tell me who, and I will find him.
- Fuladh: We must tread carefully. Sharqiyah stands on a razor's edge. The rebels are armed and growing in number. They could attack at any time. A misstep here could start a war that threatens even Alamut.
- Basim: What do you advise, Fuladh?
- Fuladh: Go with Ali to Jarjaraya and look around. Someone there must know something.
As Basim put up his hood and turned around, Fuladh called to him.
- Fuladh: And Basim ... work quickly. You see what is at stake.
Basim nodded. Before leaving, he approached Fuladh with some questions.
- Basim: I have some questions, Fuladh.
- Fuladh: I hope I have answers for you.
- Basim: What do the rebels want?
- Fuladh: You yourself know well the divide between rich and poor. Many have grown tired of the injustice, and want change. In the beginning it was mostly slaves, but now tradesmen, the wealthy, and even some nobles support Ali's cause.
- Basim: And Ali inteds to lead them in overthrowing the Abbasid Caliphate?
- Fuladh: Ali believes the most qualified should rule, not just hte wealthy or highborn. Ironically, he considers himself the most qualified, and claims descent from the Prophet's own family to support it.
Basim left the bureau.
Basim is tasked with investigating the Order's plans for Sharqiyah