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Aten Rising was a visual representation of one of Bayek's genetic memories, relived by Layla Hassan in 2017 through the Portable Animus HR-8.


Bayek sought out High Priestess Isidora, who told him that although she believed the curse was Amun's will, she knew a cult in the farmlands which worshipped a risen Pharaoh.


Bayek travelled to Karnak, where he found Isidora making a prayer in a chamber covered by fences

  • Isidora: Amun-Ra-Horkhouti, secret of expressions and shimmering of form. Come forth. Purified, purified is the Lord of Thebes.

Isidora noticed Bayek hiding behind one of the fence.

  • Isidora: You, lurking in the shadows.

Isidora walked out of the chamber.

  • Isidora: I should be angry, but you are in the house of the Hidden One. What is your business...?

Bayek met with Isidora.

  • Bayek: Bayek... of Siwa. I am looking for the source of the curse that plagues Thebes.
  • Isidora: You are not priest, or Phylakitai, and the oasis is far from here. What do you care for our troubles?
  • Bayek: Because they are not just your troubles. This curse... it stems from a relic. And countless suffered at the hands of the men who wielded another like it.
  • Isidora: You suffered more than most. Amun sees deep into your heart. But this is not men or relics, Bayek. Amun's ire is fearsome. The Pharaohs wreak his punishment for the thieves who desecrate the tombs.
  • Bayek: You believe this is your Lord's will?
  • Isidora: Amun comes at the cry of the poor and distressed.
  • Bayek: Then who in Thebes has reason to call him?
ACO Aten Rising 5

Isidora suggesting Bayek to visit the farmlands

  • Isidora: Many things have been stolen from us. Relics, lives, innocence. The curse does not distinguish between rulers and subjects. But perhaps... the farmlands? Another Pharaoh walks there, but the people have escaped his ire.
  • Bayek: I will find out why.
  • Isidora: Speak to them, then tell me this is not the wrath of Amun.
    Amun protects those who cannot protect themselves.
    The farmers will know more.

Isidora continued preaching while walking away.

  • Isidora: Self-made you fashioned your body. Creator uncreated.
    Lord of truth, maker of men, beasts and herbs, architect of all things above and below.
    Sole one, unique one, who traverses eternity.

Bayek left the temple.

  • Bayek: Can these farmers really welcome the curse?
ACO Aten Rising 6

Bayek arriving at the village

Bayek travelled to the farmlands southeast of Thebes. He investigated a bunch of oil jars on the ground.

  • Bayek: A lot of oil, more than a village of this size would need.

He recovered a piece of hay soaked in oil.

Oil Soaked Hay
Someone is looking to produce a voracious fire with this, a fire that burns forever.

He investigated the remains of a fire.

  • Bayek: Not a typical village fire, this looks ceremonial.

Closeby, a priest was talking to himself.

  • Crazy Priest: He is the living Aten, he shall bless us!
    When you rise, they die. When you rise, they die. When you rise, they die. Die! Fie! Die! Fie!
    We must worship him! Honor him. Bring me the wine and the beer!
    He will come for us all, devour our hearts so Osiris will have nothing for his scales.
    Come, let us gather for the ceremony. I will lead you to salvation. Follow, follow!

Bayek spoke to the man.

  • Crazy Priest: You! He placed seed in all women! He is the nurse in the womb. He will take all who refuse to bow before him. Bow! Bow!
  • Pious Woman: My brother in Thebes calls us heretics.
  • Pious Man: Amun holds no dominion here.
  • Pious Woman: He deserted us, but for the Living Aten, we would all be dead.

He found a girl talking to herself.

  • Pani: I will say it Djehuty, just like you taught us. You alone, shining, risen! And when He comes, men hide, and the gods fly away. When you dawn they die. We fall at the feet of the king, the lord, the Sun, our god. 7 times and 7 times, both on the stomach and on the back.
ACO Aten Rising 9

Bayek speaking to Pani

Bayek spoke to the girl.

  • Bayek: What game are you playing, child?
  • Pani: It's not a game! I'm making a ceremony to the sun!
  • Bayek: To Ra?
  • Pani: No! To the true god.
  • Bayek: Where did you learn that?
  • Pani: Djehuty. He protected us, saves us from the cursed one. But they stole him away.
  • Bayek: Some took Djehuty? Who?
  • Pani: Bad men.

He climbed up to the roofs of a house and found an idol covered in hay.

  • Bayek: This... idol. Who is it? Crude and simply carved.
  • Old Woman: How do they live in Thebes? They do not worship the Aten.
  • Young Man: So many go about their business, as if their lives mean nothing to them.
  • Old Woman: They think the Pharaohs will spare them?
  • Young Man: Such hubris.
ACO Aten Rising 8

Bayek finding some soldiers interrogating a farmer

He found several soldiers interrogating several farmers.

  • Soldier: You people owe us money, so pay up. Tychon's orders.
  • Old Villager: Hasn't he trampled us enough?
  • Soldier: Trampled? Don't make me laugh. You have these fields and your lives because of his good grace.
  • Old Villager: It's desecration! That's what they're doing!
  • Soldier: Keep your mouth shut or I'll feed you to Sobek.

Bayek killed the soldiers.

  • Old Villager: Ra bless you, neb (sir). Two less of those vultures walking the black land.
  • Bayek: You have many troubles here?
  • Old Villager: Tychon's men are the least of it. People disappear every day, to the cursed lands, or those damned bandits...
  • Bayek: Bandits are taking people? Why?
  • Old Villager: Why do bandits do anything? For their own fiendish reasons. Beggars and crooks to a man.

The villager returned to his home.

  • Bayek: Djehuty must be the priest the bandits took! He will know more about this curse.

He found a worker calling for fighters.

  • Storage Worker: Join me and we will rescue our priest! They will pay for taking one of our own.

Bayek spoke to the worker.

  • Bayek: Someone took your priest?
  • Storage Worker: Yes, bandits. I am rounding up the able bodied to overrun their camp. I will not cower and cry as these neket iadets (pieces of shit) take our people!

The farmers travelled to the bandit camp located south of the village. Bayek found Djehuty being held captive in a tent.

  • Djehuty: I have nothing you want, thieves.
    My King, my Lord, my Sun, my God!
    My people need my protection!
    Release me from this prison.

Bayek eliminated the bandits. He investigated a mark of Aten on the tent.

  • Bayek: Bandits were afraid of Djehuty. They must believe he can summon the wrath of the Heretic King.

He freed the priest.

  • Djehuty: It is not just me you save, Seni (friend). Who are you that does Ahkenaten's bidding?
  • Bayek: Let us escape this place.
ACO Aten Rising 13

Bayek escorting Djehuty to safety

Bayek escorted Djehuty out of the camp.

  • Djehuty: The Aten grants us sanctuary.

Bayek spoke to Djehuty.

  • Djehuty: You risked your life for mine!
  • Bayek: The curse, I must have what you know.
  • Djehuty: He has killed many. I was trying to purify his shrine at the farm. But the bandits took me, they fear the Aten comes at my command.
  • Bayek: You worship the Heretic?
  • Djehuty: Akhenaten... We offer our piety... songs and rituals and he does not come for us. I can show you? But the farm, the animals rot, they must be burned...
  • Bayek: I will go to the farm, in return you will tell me what you know of the pharaoh.
  • Djehuty: Yes, yes! We must resume our nightly rituals. Find me at the southern farm after the sun sets and the corruption is gone.
ACO Aten Rising 15

Bayek burning one of the piles

Bayek travelled to the southern farm. He lit up one of the piles.

  • Bayek: If nothing else the decaying animals will no longer taint the land.

He lit up the other two piles.

  • Bayek: The priest said to find him after the sunset. They will be making preparations for their nightly ritual.

Bayek returned to the village and spoke to Djehuty.

  • Djehuty: Meet me here after the sun sets. You will understand then.
ACO Aten Rising 16

Bayek meeting Djehuty at the village

Bayek reconvened with Djehuty at night, where preparations for the ritual were under way.

  • Bayek: I have done what you asked.
  • Djehuty: Then we cannot act too soon, for the sake of all who make the farmlands their home. Please, Bayek join us for the ritual. See how we appease the Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Bayek followed Djehuty.

  • Djehuty: You protected me and my people. Come, you should take part in our ceremony... Everything is prepared, the Aten rises.
  • Woman: Who is this man that aids us? He must be important or Djehuty would not allow it...
  • Djehuty: Will you honor him by gathering the sacred silica? Place it in the hands of the True King. Then will you see the strength of our hymns to the Sole God.
ACO Aten Rising 17

Bayek observing the ritual

Djehuty climbed up to a roof overseering the ritual site, making his prayer.

  • Djehuty: You rise, perfect, singular, on the horizon of the sky. The god that created all being. God without equal! Your form, the living Aten. Risen and resplendent, distant and near. Lord of the Two Lands, son of Ra, the one Living on Ma'at. Your strength lives within these offerings, sparse, but unbroken.

As Djehuty was praying, the people in the village talked amongst themselves.

  • Farmer: I came from Thebes to join. Will it really protect me from the Pharaohs?
  • Farm Wife: When he was gone, I broke the statue of Amun I keep by my door. I hope the Pharaohs are pleased.
  • Nervous Man: The Aten is all-powerful.
  • Nervous Woman: Amun did not hear us when we called him.
  • Farmer: Djehuty saves us all.
  • Farm Wife: The Pharaohs have proven themselves more powerful.
  • Nervous Man: All will come to understand.

Bayek collected the silica from the offering table.

Aten Ritual Silica
This strange substance has an eerie feeling, which is why Djehuty offers it to the Pharaoh Akhenaten.

Bayek placed one of the silica on one of the ritual statue.

  • Woman: He has given him a great honor, to place the sacred quartz upon the statues of the Aten.

He placed the silica on the rest of the statues.

  • Djehuty: As long as they stand, whole and untainted. He will live in the Aten.

Djehuty whispered to Bayek.

  • Djehuty: Please, Bayek, will you light the Aten?

Djehuty resumed the prayer.

  • Djehuty: You are our desire, there is no other who knows you. Our eyes fall upon your perfection.

Bayek lit up the hay replica of the Aten.

  • Djehuty: O Living Aten, rejoice in your son, enfolding him in your rays. Living forever! All came forth in existence from your hand. When you rise they live, when you set they die. Splendid you rise, O Living Aten, eternal lord!
  • Woman: Alight! Alight! The Sole God shines his rays upon us!

The ritual ended.

  • Djehuty: Bayek! Join me and I will tell you what I know of Akhenaten.

Djehuty addressed his flock.

  • Djehuty: Return to your homes and let the rays of the true god warm your hearths. He has spared us, rewarded us for our honor of him.
ACO Aten Rising 20

Djehuty directing Bayek to the Theban Archives

Djehuty left the ritual site, and Bayek joined him.

  • Djehuty: Have the scales fallen from your eyes?
  • Bayek: You believe the pharaoh Akhenaten is the son of the Aten.
  • Djehuty: I believe that his power is fearsome. In return for honoring him, we have our lives. Can you say the same for those who bow before Amun?
  • Bayek: This cult is heresy, what texts even speak of Akhenaten?
  • Djehuty: One. In the Theban Archive. But the chiseler Tychon has closed the library to all but his thugs and thieves.
  • Bayek: I will find a way in.
  • Djehuty: Look for a statue in the archives, pointing towards some crumbling scrolls. One speaks of the Aten, and a temple lost for centuries.

Djehuty paused, contemplating Bayek's candor.

  • Djehuty: You think we worship an abomination. That I am damning my people.
  • Bayek: I cannot judge the path you took... not when mine is strewn with the dead.
  • Djehuty: I hope you find all you seek, friend.

Bayek took his leave of the priest and the farm.

  • Bayek: Finding Akhenaten's temple should lead me closer to the relic, and who has it.
ACO Aten Rising 22

Bayek infiltrating the archives

Bayek returned to Thebes and made his way to the Theban Archive, where it was heavily guarded by soldiers. Bayek climbed up the walls to one of the windows and entered the archive.

  • Bayek: Djehuty said that a statue pointed him to the scroll?

He read a note on the table.

By order of Athames

Everything that is in the Tombs belong to Egypt. Do not think that because something fits inn your pouch you can steal from me. Anyone who does not report a find will be flogged. Anyone caught with the gold of the Pharaohs will be executed.

He read another note on the table.

The God's Wife of Amun

Appearing in the glory of the White Crown, the Chosen one of Ra, who issued from his flesh, Divine Adoratrice of Amun. The God's Wife shall take a girl child and she shall teach her the ways of the Hidden One.

Bayek investigated the statues on the second floor of the archive.

  • Bayek: Doesn't seem to be pointing to anything in particular.
    Fine work, but this isn't the statue I'm looking for.

Finally, he investigated the statue pointing towards a shelf in the main area of the second floor.

  • Bayek: This is it, the statue Djehuty spoke of. It's pointing high up on that shelf.
ACO Aten Rising 23

Bayek recovering the scroll

He climbed up the shelf.

  • Bayek: The temple door is hidden.

Bayek found a scroll.

  • Bayek: There is a scrawled note here!

Bayek retrieved the note.

On Akhenaten's Temple

You who fills the lands with beauty. We stumbled in darkness until you gave us the glimmering truth. There is but one God and it is you, Akhenaten, the living embodiment of the sun disk. We build this shrouded temple in honor of you. When you rise on the eastern horizon, the light reveals the true path.
Note from Tychon's men: I am sick of looking; this temple to the Heretic is a myth, nothing more.

Bayek commented on the note's contents.

  • Bayek: Tychon's men are also looking for Akhenaten's sanctuary.

Bayek left the archive and travelled to the waters west of the Temple of Karnak. At sunrise, he found the light shining into a particular patch of water.

  • Bayek: The light is shining there, that must be the way into the temple.
ACO Aten Rising 25

Bayek finding an entrance to the temple

Bayek dove under the water and found a entrance covered by wooden fences. He destroyed the fence and swim into the chamber.

  • Bayek: The temple of the Aten.

Bayek swam to the corner below the entrance, where he found a golden statue on the floor.

  • Bayek: Living Aten who started life. Springing forth from the seeds of Amenhotep.

Bayek investigated the statue next to the first.

  • Bayek: Fed the son in the womb of his Mother the Great Royal Wife Queen Tiye. The beauteous, the long-haired.

In another corner, Bayek found a stele covered in algae.

Akhenaten's Tomb

Rays of the Sun Disk. Living Aten, O' sole god without equal. Your eternal resting place will live forever in the sands. You sleep with your father Amenhotep. We will not allow them to brand you forever a heretic.

Bayek commented on the note.

  • Bayek: "The Aten. O sole god without equal." Your eternal resting place will live forever in the sands. You sleep with your father Amenhotep IV.

Bayek also found a model of Amarna, with statues of Akhenaten and Nefertiti overlooking it.

  • Bayek: The Royal Palace of Akhenaten. Watched over by the Akhenaten with his beloved wife, Nefer-nefru-Aten-Nefertiti.

In another corner, he investigated several statues on the ground.

  • Bayek: He denied the gods, all of them, including the Theban triad.

He investigated a skeleton on top of a table.

  • Bayek: So did the Son die, reborn as Re-Horakhty. Akhenaten, he who rejoices in the Horizon.

On a pedestal on the wall opposite the skeleton, he found a small statue of a Sphinx holding the sun in its front paws, a symbol of Akhenaten.

Statue of the Sole God
The statue that Bayek found in the temple to Akhenaten. The Pharaoh is holding something, something that closely resembles the artifact Bayek is seeking.
  • Bayek: The Pharaoh Akhenaten holding a relic! He worshipped it as the god Aten incarnate.

Bayek had attained enough information to determine that Akhenaten once held the relic causing the curse.

  • Bayek: If the Pharaoh had the relic then who has it now?

Bayek swam out of the sanctuary and resurfaced. He entered the Temple of Karnak to meet with Isidora.

  • Bayek: Isidora must face the truth, this is not Amun's will. I need to speak to her, see how I can put the Pharaoh to rest.

Bayek found Isidora in the back of the hall, who was overseeing a body covered in natron. She noticed Bayek in the area.

  • Isidora: The curse yields another grim harvest. Did you find the answer in the farmlands?
ACO Aten Rising 27

Bayek showing a statue holding the relic to Isidora

Bayek approached her, showing her the heretical statue.

  • Bayek: I found this.
  • Isidora: You dare to bring this into Amun's house?
  • Bayek: I found it in a temple dedicated to the apostate Akhenaten. What is he holding?
  • Isidora: He worshipped the disc of the sun, the Aten!
  • Bayek: It's not the sun he's holding. It is the relic I seek. This and the man who has it now are behind the curse, not Amun.
ACO Aten Rising 29

Bayek uncovering Tuya's body

Bayek pulled back a cloth covering a deceased woman to emphasize his point to Isidora.

  • Bayek: Is this Amun's will? That he sends a heretic, the pharaoh who denounced him?

Isidora came over and look, identifying her as someone she knew.

  • Isidora: Tuya! No! I sent her out into Thebes, told her she'd be safe... I did this.
  • Bayek: Akhenaten still walks. He is the key to the relic.
  • Isidora: I've been blind, hiding behind Amun's veil. Can this truly be?
  • Bayek: Isidora!
  • Isidora: This may not be the Amun, but Amun can stop him.
  • Bayek: This is not the gods... don't you understand?
  • Isidora: The Lord to the Limit still holds dominion over Thebes! And I am Amun's Wife. The people need to know that he still hears their cries.
  • Bayek: Then tell me his will.
ACO Aten Rising 31

Isidora directing Bayek to Hatshepsut's temple

  • Isidora: A single speck of dust from a God statue of Amun. it would purify Akhenaten's resting place in the valley, amongst the true Kings. But Tychon has taken everything of value from our temples and tombs, we have nothing left.
  • BayekL This is not the first time I have heard of his thievery. His men harass the farmlands...
  • Isidora: While he lords it over us. Struts like a scorpion around Hatshepsut's temple.
  • Bayek: Then I will find him and his spoils.

Bayek prepared to leave, taking back the heretical statue he had set on the table. Isidora called out to him.

  • Isidora: Bayek!

Bayek stopped.

  • Isidora: The man who has your relic, what will you do when you find him?

Bayek simply looked back at her, implying the answer was what she had already inferred.

  • Isidora: Then Amun watch over you.


Bayek's investigations at a farmhouse brought him to Akhenaten's sanctuary, where he learned that the heretic pharaoh had possession of the relic Bayek was looking for. Reporting these details to Isidora, the High Priestess provided him with a way to release Akhenaten's spirit from the living.


  • When Bayek recites the prayer to Akhenaten in the sunken temple, the subtitles seem to state that he sleeps "with [his] father Amenhotep IV." This is either a writing error, or it is Bayek referring to Akhenaten by his birth name of Amenhotep IV. In either case, his father was Amenhotep III.



Assassin's Creed: Origins memories
Main Quests
The Heron Assassination - Homecoming - The Oasis - The False Oracle - May Amun Walk Beside You - Aya - Gennadios the Phylakitai - End of the Snake - Egypt's Medjay - The Scarab's Sting - The Scarab's Lies - Pompeius Magnus - The Hyena - The Lizard's Mask - The Lizard's Face - The Crocodile's Scales - The Crocodile's Jaws - Way of the Gabiniani - Aya: Blade of the Goddess - The Battle of the Nile - The Aftermath - The Final Weighing - Last of the Medjay - Fall of an Empire, Rise of Another - Birth of the Creed
Side Quests
A Gift from the Gods - Incoming Threat - Here Comes a New Challenger - Phylakes' Prey - Lights Among the Dunes - Secrets of the First Pyramids
Gear Up - Family Reunion - Water Rats - Hideaway - Striking the Anvil - The Healer - Prisoners in the Temple - Bayek's Promise
Lake Mareotis
Hidden Tax - The Book of the Dead - Ambush in the Temple - Ulterior Votive - Lady of Slaughter - Birthright - Taste of her Sting
The Accidental Philosopher - The Last Bodyguard - Higher Education - Serapis Unites - A Tithe By Any Other Name - The Shifty Scribe - The Odyssey - Wrath of the Poets - Symposiasts - Phylakitai in the Eye - Cat's Cradle
Old Times - Wild Ride - Blue Hooligans - The Weasel - The Hungry River
Sap-Meh Nome
In Protest - Thick Skin - Fair Trade
Sapi-Res Nome
Conflicts of Interest - Smoke Over Water - All Eyes on Us - Lost Happiness - Abuse of Power - The Tax Master - The Ostrich - New Kid in Town - Worker's Lament - The Old Library
The Planetarium - Precious Bonds - What's Yours Is Mine - A Gift from the Gods
A Dream of Ashes - Blood in the Water - Odor Most Foul - Children of the Streets - Taimhotep's Song - The Baker's Dilemma - Mortem Romanum
Saqqara Nome
Rites of Anubis - First Blood - When Night Falls - A Rebel Alliance
Murder in the Temple - Feeding Faiyum - Curse of Wadjet - Rebel Strike - The Bride - Sobek's Gold - Forging Siwa - The Sickness - Fires of Dionysias - Demons in the Desert
Faiyum Oasis
The Champion - The Man Beast - Sobek's Tears - The Jaws of Sobek - Bad Faith - Shadya's Rest - Fighting for Faiyum
Herakleion Nome
Recon Work - Loose Cargo - Reunion - Predator to Prey
Uab Nome
Seven Farmers
Atef-Pehu Nome
The Matriarch
Green Mountains
Unseeing Eyes - One Bad Apple - The Good Roman - Playing with Fire - Taking Liberty - Halo of the Huntress - Carpe Diem - Shadows of Apollo
His Secret Service
The Flea of Cyrene - The Lure of Glory - The Mousetrap - Founding Father - Pax Romana - Cat and Mouse - Absolute Power - Are You Not Entertained? - The Smugglers of Cyrene - Dead in the Water - My Brother for a Horse - Here Comes a New Challenger
Isolated Desert
Plight of the Rebels
Event Quests
Antique Trafficking - Bandit Raid - Control Nuisance - Gather Materials - Lost and Found - Missing Worker - Stolen Goods - Recover the Merchandise
Ambush At Sea - Secrets of the First Pyramids
The Hidden Ones
Main Quests
The Hidden Ones - The Land of Turquoise - Where the Slaves Die - The Walls of the Ruler - The Setting Sun - No Chains Too Thick - Sic Semper Tyrannis - The Greater Good
Side Quests
Klysma Nome
Rise of Shaqilat - Howls of the Dead - The Ballad of Si-Mut and Gertha - The Killer Shadow - Shadows of the Scarab
Madiama Nome
Respect Thy Brother
Arsinoe Nome
Shards from a Star
The Curse of the Pharaohs
Main Quests
The Curse of the Pharaohs - No Honor Amongst Thebes - The Lady of Grace - Cleansing Rite - Something Rotten - Soured Libations - Aten Rising - The Heretic - Blood in the Water - The King of Kings - A Pharaoh's Shadow - A Pharaoh's Heart and Name - A Pharaoh's Hemset - A Pharaoh's Ka
Side Quests
The Theban Triad - Master of the Secret Things - Perchance to Dream
Theban Necropolis
Burnt Offerings - A Sister's Vow - Idol Hands - Drowned Tools - A Motherless Child - Unfair Trade
Thebes Nome
Crocodile Tears - National Treasures
Yebu Nome
Losers Weepers - Fish Out Of Water - Laid to Rest
Love or Duty
Gods or Creed - The Cat - The Ibis - The Hawk
Heb Sed
Follower or Leader
Shield or Blade - A Necessary Evil - Khepri's Amulet - The God's Spark